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chris k

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Posts posted by chris k

  1.  Even with the demo although time limited the only thing that gets disabled is the mouse control


    Er.... Last time I checked, Everything stops working in the demo.


    So, you don't have a full paid version of X-Plane? Do the AP/GPS/etc work correctly within the first 10 minutes, then cease to work? If so, this is expected.


    Ive been running X-Plane 10 on pretty much every version of OSX since SL, ML, Mavericks, Yosemite. Have used it on a Mac Mini, an iMac, a MacBook Pro 2010, MacBook Pro 2013, and a MacPro 2010 for years, and have never experienced the issues you mention under MacOS. However, the only real difference is that I have a fully paid version. There are likely another 10,000 users running on an iMac and Yosemite which also experience no problems, given the threads on other forums and the general makeup of the X-Plane user base.


    Again, upload Log.txt if anything is very weird, else the trouble may all stem from the demo limitations here.

  2. There is no X-Plane 11.

    There is nothing from any credible source concerning this. In fact, all the developers are still talking about release .40 of X-Plane 10; which is due in the next 3-6 months -- with lots of roadmap items still to come.

    If you decide to "wait" for xplane 11, you will likely be waiting 4-5 or more years, if they release Something called "version 11.x". Some are also thinking currently is that XP10 may actually just be the "only" version ever, and all new features are simply "point upgrades"

    You can track a TON of new features that have been added since XP10.00 in 2011 - these arent just bug fixes but entirely new functions which have been added in the past 4 years or so here:


    And here:


    If we follow the current rollout "point release" to time, it has taken 42 months to get from 10.00 to 10.35

    By extrapolation (simple calc I know) that would imply it should take ~83 months to get to XP10.99, which is about 7 years from inception-- So, XP11.x MAY be somewhere around 2019-2020.

    TL;DR: Buy it Now. It may be next decade if you "wait" for XP11.x =)

  3. Download the backup scenery library.

    I made an error in ymml library.txt which does backups for packages you haven't installed.

    I'll fix that in a few weeks after I finish moving houses. :|

  4. File Name: Backup Scenery Library

    File Submitter: chris k

    File Submitted: 01 Feb 2015

    File Category: Misc Scenery Resources

    X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 9 & 10

    Backup Scenery Library
    v1.4 Feb 01, 2015


    - Tired of facade/forest/beach crashes?
    - Get annoyed at missing a particular object in a 3rd party scenery?
    - Can't find the library online, or the library has disappeared from the downloads?

    We have a solution!

    This file creates a "backup" shim library for all of the well known and well used public libraries in X-Plane 10.30. This file will allow you to load most sceneries which reference 3rd party libraries, even though you may not have the library installed. It will prevent X-Plane from crashing out if it cannot find the library.

    This file covers the following Libraries:

    FF LOD
    World Models
    Handy Objects
    People Library
    RE Library
    Flags of the world


    Copy to your X-Plane/Custom Scenery/ directory


    This package does not include any actual objects. This does not replace actually having the true library. It will simply insert a blank object or art asset in case you do not have the actual real library, and thus prevent X-Plane from crashing and allow scenery to load without error.

    This file also does not interfere if you have the actual library. X-Plane will simply ignore this file if you happen to have the actual library.

    We hope you find this file useful.


    For Developers:

    I highly suggest (and freely encourage) all of you to include this in any scenery you produce for the end-user. This way, if you reference any of the above libraries, and your end-user does not have it installed, your scenery will still work without errors. As scenery developers, we have an obligation to the end-user to make our scenery as easy and painless as possible to install and use.

    This works the same as the OpensceneryX shim library. However, since many of the other libraries never included their own 'ready to use' shim library for developer distribution, it wasn't easy to add. Now, you have an "easy button". Please consider using this, and it will make your users happy.

    Click here to download this file

  5. I have an i5 2500k and a GTX770.



    Which is an idea machine for testing user expectations, BTW. I'd expect the majority of your customer base will be using something like this (or better)... If it works well on your system, then it's good to go.


    My "Lowest common denominator" is an i7-9xx series (1st gen) and a GTX670. If I can make it work smoothly and fluidly on that old beast -- Then most likely the average end-user will have a good experience.


    - Ck.


    - CK.

  6. Agreed - It's a very useful tool -- dunno why they restrict it to having a Dev account. I suppose it's just to cut down the OSX distribution size; as not everyone needs such a utility.


    I'm happy to make it available to people (and Apple can yell at me if they want..): http://cdn.isdg.com.au/~chrisk/OPENGLMONITOR/


    I think this is the mavericks 10.9 build, Let me know if it doesn't work under 10.10, should though...


    - CK.

  7. FYI. Found this for you:

    "Just read in a German forum that setting the Threaded Optimization Option within the Nvidia Control Panel to "OFF" will eliminate the periodic stutters. Even with the newest drivers.

    It works with my GTX 770 4Gb running the 347.09 driver. No more stutters, yay."

    • Upvote 2
  8. Either way works - Yep - the included installer actually runs you through the un-install of the previous version, if it detects a previous version of SMP is still installed. (nice touch).


    The new install then goes in nice-and-clean.


    Had no issues a few days ago when I did my upgrade.


    - Ck.

  9. Note: There are 4 different generations of i5, and There are 20+ variants of each generation of the i5.




    ..which is why details matter here. (i.e. the log.txt is invaluable so we don't have to ask these questions).


    If you're interested, there is a widely reported stuttering issue with one of the recent nVidia drivers, under Win7 and Win8 -- hence why we were asking you the details. But, since we dont know what version you're using, it's pure conjecture here.

    • Upvote 1
  10. Yep - Had he same problem.


    To fix it, I enabled some /dev/udev rules in ubuntu, added something in the Windows Registry, and played with a .plist file in System/Library/Extensions. There were also changed 3 key X-Plane settings.


    And no, I cannot provide any more information than that.

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