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Everything posted by vrcook

  1. Hate to bring this up but I cruise several x-plane sites and enjoy them all gathering good info and advice on topics like this, including the .org. This constant bashing I find here of another site really takes away from the pleasure and knowledge available from this group. If you don't like a particular site, "don't go there"... but really, can't you let it go and just enjoy this site so others can as well? As someone who has bought planes and scenery from several providers, I have enjoyed dealing with them all and found most everyone in the x-plane community to be very helpful. Let's just fly! VC
  2. That worked... Thank you very much! Never had that issue happen before!
  3. I have noticed a possible issue to report with 1.5.2 running XP 10.20 beta 10 (running on Mac 10.8.2)... The auto pilot "speed" control does not function properly now. The speed bug only shows momentarily when you push or turn the speed adjustment knob and is very hard to adjust. Also the bug does not "relocate" and appear at the current speed when hitting the "select speed" button. Also when selecting "speed" on the autopilot the lights come on but the plane will not hold speed. All other autopilot functions appear to work fine... Thx Van
  4. After loading XP10.2 beta 9, when you load Jetstream 32 in 64 bit, all instrument and warning lights are on and no switches are knobs work. They make toggle sounds but do not move. Running Mac OSX 10.8.2. Beta 7 worked fine. Again this is beta versions so not blaming the JS32 but this will need to be corrected as I understand others are now having this is issue with the new XP beta 9. Love the plane... A bit of a video memory hog, but that comes with improved graphics and realistic systems.
  5. vrcook

    JRollon Releases BAe Jetstream 32

    Same issues here when I loaded Beta 9. Seems the "test all lights" switch is locked on as "all" lights are lit, and cannot switch or turn any of the cockpit switches or knobs in 64bit.
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