@Cameron Hello,
The issue appears to stem from the "xa_validate.xpl" file located in the "win_x64" directory.
When I replace this file with the "xa_validate.xpl" from the "mac_x64" directory, I am able to load and interact with the plane.
However, this causes both the external and internal plane sounds, as well as environmental sounds, to be set to zero in the settings.
It seems that this plugin is intended to verify user authorization to operate the plane. I have legitimately purchased this aircraft, so I expect to be able to use it as I do with the many other planes I have bought from X-Aviation.
Furthermore, the plugin relies on outdated open-source libraries, such as Libcurl.dll and Zlib1.dll, which is concerning given that we are now in 2024.
Additionally, the XP11 version of this aircraft does not require this plugin and operates without these issues.
So, why is this plugin necessary for the other version?
Please address this problem.
Thank you,
Best regards,