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  1. Thanks for your answer @Cameron though you did not answer the question: What is your threshold of complaints to address a bug? Cheers, C
  2. Good to know @Cameron What is your threshold of complaints to address a bug?
  3. @Cameron Hello, The issue appears to stem from the "xa_validate.xpl" file located in the "win_x64" directory. When I replace this file with the "xa_validate.xpl" from the "mac_x64" directory, I am able to load and interact with the plane. However, this causes both the external and internal plane sounds, as well as environmental sounds, to be set to zero in the settings. It seems that this plugin is intended to verify user authorization to operate the plane. I have legitimately purchased this aircraft, so I expect to be able to use it as I do with the many other planes I have bought from X-Aviation. Furthermore, the plugin relies on outdated open-source libraries, such as Libcurl.dll and Zlib1.dll, which is concerning given that we are now in 2024. Additionally, the XP11 version of this aircraft does not require this plugin and operates without these issues. So, why is this plugin necessary for the other version? Please address this problem. Thank you, Best regards, C
  4. Hello, thank you for sharing, unfortunately that trick does not work for me. Cheers, C
  5. Hi @Cameron I trust this msg finds you well. I do still have the same CTD issue. Any progress on your side? Thanks, Cheers, C
  6. Hello, okay. any progress re that issue? Thank you: it is a shame, I even bought the great 737 Classic Pilot Handbook and have no more reason to use it! Happy New Year anyway!
  7. These files where not needed for the XP11 version of the plane which works well btw. Why using them for the XP12 version? Can you confirm the xa_validate.xpl is x64? Cheers and thank you.
  8. Also the file involved is identified (from the logs)... btw not sure it is really a x64 version whereas it is in a x64 folder. Also why the need for these : libcurl.dll, xa_validate.xpl, zlib1.dll while other xaviation planes (that work just fine) leverage the Gizmo plug-in and do not use these files?
  9. Hopefully the XP13 version will work ;-)
  10. Any Xmas good news re that ugly CTD problem. Still have the issue with a vanilla install of the last XP12 version. XA DRM - RMD0: [7f1c1a38] --=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: X-A Validation}==-- --=={FILE: H:\X-Plane 12\Log_ATC.txt}==-- Log_ATC.txt Log.txt
  11. Any update ie any dev working on finding the issue? @whoevercares ;-) Thanks, C
  12. Like we are expandable :-) I reinstalled the IXEG 737 Classic and she works like a charm even with Xplane 12 ... I noticed there is no plug-in folder inside the IXEG 737 Classic folder. Why did you need to add it to the IXEG 737 Classic Plus? FYI it looks like it is the "xa_validate.xpl" inside the "xa_validate/win_x64/" folder that is the issue. Cheers , C @Sluijsens
  13. I did rejoice a bit too fast, the only way to get it to work is XP12 in compatibility mode which is kind of a pity because of the massive perf hit. We do know now that the problem comes from the "xa_validate.xpl" file. Unfortunately removing or swiping this files with the mac_x64, lets you get the plane but w/o sounds and seems unflyable. Re the DRM, I can prove I bought both versions of the plane X11 and X12: what is not wise in my opinion @Pils@Cameron is not considering the fact that loyal clients can not even experience the product they bought and not giving them a hint about when the problem is going to be resolved. Cheers, Clément
  14. Hi @Sluijsens yes you are right I did rejoice a bit too fast, the only way to get it to work is compatibility mode which is kind of a pity because of the massive perf hit. We do know now that the problem comes from the "xa_validate.xpl" file. Cheers, Clément
  15. @Sluijsens I found the solution: I renamed the "xa_validate.xpl" that is in win_x64 to "_xa_validate.xpl". I then copy pasted the "xa_validate.xpl" that is in the mac_x64 folder in the xa_validate folder in the plugins folder of the "IXEG 737 Classic Plus" folder and BAM it works: no more CTD! (I also installed the latest Xplane 12 beta though before I copy pasted the "xa_validate.xpl" file from the mac_x64 into the win_x64 the latest Xplane 12 beta did also CTD with the IXEG 737 Classic Plus. WOW! Works now! Cheers, Clément
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