I have now gone through, WORD by WORD, ALL manuals and have completed the tutorial 3 times now. Please forgive me if I have looked over the answer to these questions along my way. I am dedicated to learning all that i can before i go to school for my private license once i get out of the military. Please keep in mind I am not a real pilot and have only picked up a few books and done research on the internet. I have a few questions about the flight planning stage of the CRJ-200. (i will be refering to the page 4 of the pilot handbook PDF file along with the tutorial made from it) how do you figure out the “take off fuel” needed. I see that you have figured it to be 4,800lbs (8,278 for new fuel consumption) in the tutorial but never does it say how you calculated this except that it we can look on the FUEL EICAS PANEL, but I dont see it anywhere on there. Section number 5 of the “index calculator” in the tutorial, you have 2.5 as the “TOTAL A” but when you look over at the “TOTAL A - TOTAL B = LIZFW” chart, it has “5” as the TOTAL A. I would like to know why this is please? I have a few abbreviations that i would like to know what they mean and how they are used? “ZFW” “DOI” “LIZFW” “FOB” “LITOW” “LDB” “LILW” and “%MAC” I have recently learned about how Step climbs work and finding the right altitude for the best fuel efficiency, I would like to know how to find out what altitude would be most suficient for the weight I am at that point. I understand that these are a lot of questions but I VERY MUCH enjoy this CRJ and would LOVE to be able to get the MOST out of it. I recommend it to EVERYONE in my Virtual Airline. Thank you for you time again.