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Everything posted by Jolly_Green

  1. What was the solution to this? I haven't been able to use this plane since updating to Vulkan in the X-Plane 11.50 beta. (Currently b9) The game is unbearable now with OpenGL, so I'm using betas for other plugins (such as WT3) to get by until things are stable. (I don't like betas, but Vulkan has been a significant enough improvement worth sacrificing for.) I think a lot of us have been patiently, quietly waiting for the TBM 900 to work again. It's the only plane that doesn't work out of the 11 paid add-on planes I have. (This was also the most expensive) I know it'll work once I'm clear of the betas, so I haven't complained since the beta is my choice..but if there's a workaround that apparently worked here, I'd love to get in on it.
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