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Everything posted by Yohannas

  1. Hi Jan, Thanks for such a detailed reply - I've made sure all sliders are set to 75%-100% (except the air conditioning system which I've kept at about 25%), and I've done 3 flights since my last post - the last 2 flights with XPRealistic Pro disabled, and I also set minimums to 0 for all 3 flights. EDIT: I also flew non-ILS approaches on all 3 flights. I got the same results every time: I did NOT hear the callouts: 2500 - 400 - 300 - 200, but I heard all of the other ones extremely clearly and loudly, which makes me think that the missing callouts are just not being played for some reason. I'm a bit out of ideas at this stage! I'm not sure why this is happening on my end - the plane and the simulator are both running the latest versions and I'm not running any other mods which might affect the sound files/triggers. It's always possible that I'm hitting some kind of limit on the number of sounds to play, but I'm not missing any sounds on any of the other planes which I fly (Zibo 738, Rotate MD80, Carenado Citation II, C172 and Beechcraft Baron) - very strange Thanks anyway for your help - this is something I can live with if we can't pinpoint a fix, it would just be great to resolve it! Cheers
  2. Thanks Jan - I checked the sliders again, the only one I had turned down was the air conditioning system slider as it was so loud at maximum that I couldn’t hear anything else! But I doubt that’s got anything to do with GPWS (correct me if I’m wrong ) As I said, the missing callouts on the ILS approach were 400, 300 and 100 - I’ll try without ILS when I get back tonight and will report back! Maybe I just need to get used to those callouts not being there - I’m not a real pilot so it’s all a learning experience. Out of interest I read on your forums that you’re porting the sounds to FOMOD at the moment, is that still in progress? If so, that might actually solve the problem regardless if it is a mod conflicts. Cheers
  3. Hi Jan, Thanks for replying so quickly. I've checked in the sim - I can hear 1000, 500, minimums (=200), 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 - the other callouts are either missing or so quiet I can't hear them. In this example I was landing at EGNT RW25 and tuned to the ILS. I should say, the callouts I do hear are quite quiet - much quieter than in the Zibo for example. The only possible conflict I can think of is XPRealistic Pro - I'm using XPR Pro to add some sounds to the sim, but I can still hear all of the other standard IXEG sound effects properly and there are no GPWS options in XPR Pro. Is it possible there is a slider which controls GPWS callout volume which I might have lowered accidentally? Cheers Edit: typo correction
  4. Apologies if this is covered elsewhere, I’ve tried to find this in the manuals and settings and can’t seem to find the answer. Before I bought the IXEG 733 I mainly flew Zibo 738, so I’m used to hearing GPWS callouts at 1000, 500, 400, 300, 200, 100, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10. But half of these are missing in the 733 - is there any way to activate them in the settings? Thanks in advance
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