The matter is that while FSX lets say that is a steady platform (there are huge problems to setup it right), is a dead one, cause there will be no further version. Flight in the other hand seem like a no-simulator. It looks more like an arcade game till now. I've read that Microsoft will not provide SDK, everything will go through their app store, so there may be there is no future for developers, the strong point of FSX. It will last for a couple a years, but i don't think that right now a developer will start to create a new product for FSX. A good aircraft needs a lot of time to be developed. For them, today, X-Plane looks, i believe, the best option for the future. Flight it will be a success. That's for sure. Lot of people purchased FSx, but find it hard to "understand" it, specially those with no experience in aviation. Flight will be for them something that they can use more easily. And I think that's the target for MS. Make more money and who cares about flight simulation lovers.