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Everything posted by luming12013@126.com

  1. Dear Torquesim team, First of all, thank you for developing this great study level aricraft. After updated Gizmo (caused a problem to activate) and C++(caused a problem to not load the aircraft completely), I can load the aircraft and open the main manu from left corner. However, the top of main manu goes out of my screen, so that I have no way to reach other tabs of the manu. I can not move the manu too. I've tried both window mode and full screen mode with no luck. Every time I open the manu, it always go out of screen. Please see the attached picture and help me to correct it. I was running Xplane 11.50b16 on a windows PC (9700+2070 with a 2K monitor). Thanks, Ming
  2. Got it. Thank you very much.
  3. BTW, sorry for my poor English, I read the manuals. However, I can't find where to adjust Avionics Brightness. I wish I could make both G1000 PFD and MFD brighter. Thank you for helping. Ming
  4. hahaha. Thank you so much. It's my bad. I'm rushing to the sky and did not read manuals carefully. Your Pocket Rocket is an amazing product to enjoy! Best, Ming
  5. Dear TorqueSim team, I've installed my Pocket Rocket today, and found the G1000 does not show any speed on the screen. Please kindly hepl me to fix it. Best, Ming
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