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  1. Thank you very much. And congratulations for the quality of the aircrafts! it´s great that this Saab updated
  2. I guess we just have to wait for an update that solves this Gizmo issue
  3. Same problem with Windows 10 and X-Plane installed in D. What else?...
  4. Have exactly the same problem with X-Plane installed somwhere else...any solution?
  5. Hi! My problem was solved this way; In the Gizmo plugin bar at the right, select LuaGc and then Max FPS. This way (I don´t know why) the aircraft works perfect with every plugin. Hope this help everyone with the same problem
  6. Thank you for your fast answer. Here are three logs because sometimes the error is addressed, but sometimes is just a XP crash. Thanks in advance Log.txt Log2.txt Log3.txt
  7. Hi! I don´t have x-pilot installed and I have the same problem. What about some work on an update for this great aircraft? Just an idea... It was never possible for me to run this aircrat without issues. I followed all the instructions and nothing worked for me. The usual error in log is "G64: 371.744: Memory Allocation Error: Run(gfx): draw_SaabOnDrawGauges3D: not enough memory" in a system with 32Gb. I have no other problems with other planes. Never a X-plane crash. Just with this plane. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  8. Hi! Please, I had problems with framerate with the last update of SkyMaxPro. With SkyMaxPro I use to have better frame rate than I have with default weather engine (awesome!) but with the last version framerate drops suddenly and I get a message from Xplane saying that fps are down to 20fps (I use to have 60). I use SkyMaxPro with Real Weather Connector and FS Global Real Weather. I installed the previous version and all is working perfect. I use to shut down Gizmo plugin when I use another aircrafts, and I´ve read here that SkyMaxPro uses the same plugin. Why is this happening? Is a version bug or something I´m doing wrong? Thanks in advance
  9. Thanks for your fast response! Yes, I sent a report of the simulator failure, but I never had one before (I have many aircrafts) and before that I had several crashes with the log message "not enough memory" which is strange for a 32Gb hardware. Anyway, today I was able to fly with this aircraft for the first time. I just removed the XJet plugin, as you said, and selected "Max FPS" in the LuaGC option in the Gizmo menu. I don´t know if this make sense, but it worked! I only have to try IVAO. Yesterday I had the feeling that when connecting to the network, the failure occurred too. I want to take this chance to say that I´ve been in the simulation for more than 25 years, I have the best aircraft available, and this is, without any doubt, one of the best. Please don't leave this aircraft
  10. Hi! I bought the Saab yesterday, but I was unable to fly with it. No problem loading the aircraft, but after a few minutes X-Plane crashes. I was reading about this problem, but I don´t have XEnviro. I have installed SkyMaxPro, Real Weather connector and FSGlobal Real Weather, but I tried disabling all the plugins except Gizmo, and the crash comes anyway. Please, can anybody help me? Thanks in advance GizmoLog.txt Log.txt
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