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BottleRocketeer last won the day on March 7 2022

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  1. Flight plan: MHTG/02 LIBIS1 LIBIS UA502 MGA UZ512 LIB BARA4L MROC/25 (ILS Z 07) Steps: 1. Enter flight plan with ILS, copy flight plan into sec fpln 2. Change approach in sec fpln to RW25 3. Enter TOMA1, MONT1, CARB1 after OTINA (ILS approach waypoints) 4. Enter CYRUS and BELEN after MONT1 (terminal waypoints at MROC) 5. Enter EPABE into the discon between BELEN and RX25 Log_CTD.txt
  2. Flight plan: RJAA DCT PINSO A590 HAMND PANC The aircraft first seems to sequence to the leg from SELDM to PORGE at around 180 degrees longitude even though it is between POOFF and PINTT. Somewhere between PTZGR and PUGGY, I first entered a direct to SELDM. Then, I went to the DIRECT TO page, pressed PREV to get to DIRECT TO HISTORY, and then entered a direct to PUGGY, which caused a CTD. The position of the aircraft at the time of this crash can be seen in the picture attached below: Inserting a direct to PUGGY manually via the LEGS page works fine and does not cause a crash. Log_CTD.txt
  3. I was using the default navdata cycle when this happened. The flight plan was: VHHH/07R ATENA1E BEKOL A461 HOK W56 DUGEB DCT ZBAA/19 I entered VHHH and ZBAA on the FPLN page, entered BEKOL, entered A461 in the VIA column on the next page, and tried to enter W56 in the VIA column to have it calculate the intersection automatically. That is when it crashed. For some reason, this issue only seems to happen the first time I load into the sim (or maybe on a cold and dark start) and after reloading to the autosave after the crash, it properly gives me a "NO INTERSECTION" message. The backtrace is: Backtrace is: 0 000000008143ABFE C:\Users\-----\Desktop\X-Plane 1150\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\plugins\systems\win_x64\systems.xpl+00000000005CABFE (avl_find+e) 1 000002A2E7872D30 C:\Users\-----\Desktop\X-Plane 1150\X-Plane.exe+000002A2E7872D30 () 2 000002A2DC778A00 C:\Users\-----\Desktop\X-Plane 1150\X-Plane.exe+000002A2DC778A00 () 3 000000B0E17FFB37 C:\Users\-----\Desktop\X-Plane 1150\X-Plane.exe+000000B0E17FFB37 () 4 000000B0E17FF748 C:\Users\-----\Desktop\X-Plane 1150\X-Plane.exe+000000B0E17FF748 () 5 000000B0E17FF750 C:\Users\-----\Desktop\X-Plane 1150\X-Plane.exe+000000B0E17FF750 () 6 000000008144C170 C:\Users\-----\Desktop\X-Plane 1150\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\plugins\systems\win_x64\systems.xpl+00000000005DC170 (htbl_lookup_multi+10) 7 000002A46361F610 C:\Users\-----\Desktop\X-Plane 1150\X-Plane.exe+000002A46361F610 () 8 000002A3282F18A0 C:\Users\-----\Desktop\X-Plane 1150\X-Plane.exe+000002A3282F18A0 () 9 000002A3C71EA2E0 C:\Users\-----\Desktop\X-Plane 1150\X-Plane.exe+000002A3C71EA2E0 () 10 000000B0E17FF750 C:\Users\-----\Desktop\X-Plane 1150\X-Plane.exe+000000B0E17FF750 () 11 000000B0E17FFB37 C:\Users\-----\Desktop\X-Plane 1150\X-Plane.exe+000000B0E17FFB37 () 12 0000000000000003 C:\Users\-----\Desktop\X-Plane 1150\X-Plane.exe+0000000000000003 () 13 0000000081D58400 C:\Users\-----\Desktop\X-Plane 1150\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\plugins\systems\win_x64\systems.xpl+0000000000EE8400 () 14 000000008118A6C5 C:\Users\-----\Desktop\X-Plane 1150\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\plugins\systems\win_x64\systems.xpl+000000000031A6C5 (waypoint_db_lookup_awy_isect+e5) The full log should be attached below. LogCTD.txt
  4. Version 1.0.2


    This livery is based on a real Global Express, G-CEYL, which is operated by the charter company VOLUXIS. I had to adapt some of the stripes to better fit the Challenger, so this is not a totally accurate representation of the real aircraft, but it is as close as I could get it. For some extra flair, I have included custom normals with this livery to give it more of a semi-gloss finish. Enjoy!
  5. View File Hot Start Challenger 650 - Black Diamond This livery is based on a real Global Express, G-CEYL, which is operated by the charter company VOLUXIS. I had to adapt some of the stripes to better fit the Challenger, so this is not a totally accurate representation of the real aircraft, but it is as close as I could get it. For some extra flair, I have included custom normals with this livery to give it more of a semi-gloss finish. Enjoy! Submitter BottleRocketeer Submitted 03/06/2022 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212  
  6. Hello, I was trying to delete an approach from the FMS, which caused a CTD. The issue seems to be happening when there is a heading-to-intercept leg and you delete the leg after it. The trace is attached below. The following steps should cause the same CTD: 1. With the default AIRAC cycle selected, load the ILS 14 approach to MYNN with the KURAY transition into the FMS. 2. Start deleting waypoints from the flight plan, starting from the end of the flight plan (hold at ZQA). 3. After deleting the waypoint after the (INTC) leg, which is FI14, the sim should crash. (See attached image.) This issue is not present when first deleting (INTC) and then FI14. 2022-01-09 14:37:45 CL650[except.c:213]: Caught EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION Backtrace is: 0 000000008324AE67 C:\Users\-----\Desktop\X-Plane 1150\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\plugins\systems\win_x64\systems.xpl+000000000032AE67 (compute_intcpt_leg+247) 1 3FDA7AF9134CA1C3 C:\Users\-----\Desktop\X-Plane 1150\X-Plane.exe+3FDA7AF9134CA1C3 () 2 3FECFC94557EBDD6 C:\Users\-----\Desktop\X-Plane 1150\X-Plane.exe+3FECFC94557EBDD6 () 3 3FF0000000000000 C:\Users\-----\Desktop\X-Plane 1150\X-Plane.exe+3FF0000000000000 () 4 8000000000000000 C:\Users\-----\Desktop\X-Plane 1150\X-Plane.exe+8000000000000000 () 2022-01-09 14:37:45 CL650[except.c:213]: Caught EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION Backtrace is: 0 000000008324AE67 C:\Users\-----\Desktop\X-Plane 1150\Aircraft\X-Aviation\CL650\plugins\systems\win_x64\systems.xpl+000000000032AE67 (compute_intcpt_leg+247) 1 3FDA7AF9134CA1C3 C:\Users\-----\Desktop\X-Plane 1150\X-Plane.exe+3FDA7AF9134CA1C3 () 2 3FECFC94557EBDD6 C:\Users\-----\Desktop\X-Plane 1150\X-Plane.exe+3FECFC94557EBDD6 () 3 3FF0000000000000 C:\Users\-----\Desktop\X-Plane 1150\X-Plane.exe+3FF0000000000000 () 4 8000000000000000 C:\Users\-----\Desktop\X-Plane 1150\X-Plane.exe+8000000000000000 () --=={This application has crashed!}==-- Log_crash.txt
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