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Everything posted by Rdtcmtt

  1. Rdtcmtt


    Yeah that's possible on the mouse giving me trouble, ill just have to wait on my yolk to arrive to see if thats the problem. it started when i had to use the mouse. Thx...ill get back with until then...........RobertC
  2. Rdtcmtt


    Thx for that but that did not help. like i said the plane bobs up and down , not much but it will do this thru out the flight. I dont thinks its a frame rate problem. it feels like its fighting against somthing.
  3. Rdtcmtt

    Fsx 2020

    And im looking forward to those changes also my friend.
  4. I was just thinking about it out loud , that was all. i have a lot invested in both games. and i said i have played both games ,as long as they were out. As for the guy that said Bye ,bye , back at ya. RobertC
  5. Than im in, my friend
  6. Well folks, i must say i truly enjoy X plane, but i will be honest with you. i have been using FSX for years. And i occasionally used X plane when i had problems with FSX. When FSX died in 2006 , when they fired all of the folks at Microsoft. Fsx went by the wayside. Other developers took over and did there best to keep it up and running. I decided to go fully with X plane , and i really started to enjoy X -plane , when Hotstart came out with the TBN 900. That was a plane like no other. I have been siming for 25 plus years and that plane i have enjoyed the most. Even PDMG , did not impress me like that plane did. But i always missed FSX for some reason. So what does Microsoft do, they are coming out with a sim that looks impossible to pull off. I mean if they are serious about what they are about to release. I'm talking about FSX 2020. From what im seeing in the Sim, I cannot wait for the release. If it does what they claim that this sim will do. X plane you are in trouble. I believe even hardcore X planers will make the switch just to see if its real. And if it is as good as they say it will be. Any true sim gamer will have no choice but to make the switch. After all this is what we have been waiting for , is it not. Years of tweaking , and adding files , more software to make software better. Adding this file to make this file work. Upgrading computers just to get a few more frame rates to get more realism. ETC. Is this the Flightsim we have all been waiting for. and im talking about us guys that have been siming for years. We have more software that we care to remember. I'm chomping at the bit waiting for the release. My computer is all ready set up for it. I have all-ways upgraded my com, ahead of the curve. So what am i saying, im saying That X plane had better get busy in keeping up with , whats about to come out. Even Stevo kinevo is waiting on 2020 to come out . And he uses X planes Hotstart to practice with. So what does that tell you. Hotstart i suggest you get busy with a 2020 TBN900/940 , or you will start to loose clientele. I love your Tbn 900, but if 2020 is that good, i will have no choice but to put you on the shelf. And i suspect that X-plane will start to loose customers also. Look at it this way, when Uber and lyft came on the market, yellow cab literally lost 60 to 70 percent of there business. They waited to long to catch up with the times, and now its to late for them. nobody but the hardcore folks use the yellow cab. So X plane , i suggest you start to get busy real fast and get your sim up to Parr fast. Microsoft looks like they spent tons of money and the best developers out there and the best technology to get , what looks like the best ever sim to come out. X plane , to me seems like it was a one man show trying to do it all by himself. Just my opinion on that. I always looked at Laminar Research as a one man show. I dont know why but , that's the way i saw it compared to FSX. When FSX failed in 2006, that's when i started to get more involved in X plane. It was very good , but lacking some of the things i loved about FSX. The x plane flight model was superb, but was lacking in other things that made it excellent . It always in its earlier days seem like a ghost town when flying there excellent planes. You were alone all the time, that is if you loaded there extra packaged to feel more like you were not alone. But it still took more software to make it seem more real. FSX , even though there planes were not that good, they gave you the full package, atc, better graphics, dumb al planes all over the place running into each other. But you did not feel alone. X plane got better down thru the years always competing with FSX. When FSX failed , Xplane became the king of the Sims. Well X plane you have work to do, and so does Hotstart with your TBM900. If FSX 2020 does what they say it will do, you will loose customers. Just look at the reviews and what folks are saying about 2020 and Youtube. there are all excited and cannot wait for the release. Well folks, i know i will be shot down for my half a cents worth of blabbing, but i have been flying sims longer than most of you folks age. I'm older than dirt, so i can take it. Nuuf Said. RobertC
  7. Rdtcmtt

    Fsx 2020

    Well folks, i must say i truly enjoy X plane, but i will be honest with you. i have been using FSX for years. And i occasionally used X plane when i had problems with FSX. When FSX died in 2006 , when they fired all of the folks at Microsoft. Fsx went by the wayside. Other developers took over and did there best to keep it up and running. I decided to go fully with X plane , and i really started to enjoy X -plane , when Hotstart came out with the TBN 900. That was a plane like no other. I have been siming for 25 plus years and that plane i have enjoyed the most. Even PDMG , did not impress me like that plane did. But i always missed FSX for some reason. So what does Microsoft do, they are coming out with a sim that looks impossible to pull off. I mean if they are serious about what they are about to release. I'm talking about FSX 2020. From what im seeing in the Sim, I cannot wait for the release. If it does what they claim that this sim will do. X plane you are in trouble. I believe even hardcore X planers will make the switch just to see if its real. And if it is as good as they say it will be. Any true sim gamer will have no choice but to make the switch. After all this is what we have been waiting for , is it not. Years of tweaking , and adding files , more software to make software better. Adding this file to make this file work. Upgrading computers just to get a few more frame rates to get more realism. ETC. Is this the Flightsim we have all been waiting for. and im talking about us guys that have been siming for years. We have more software that we care to remember. I'm chomping at the bit waiting for the release. My computer is all ready set up for it. I have all-ways upgraded my com, ahead of the curve. So what am i saying, im saying That X plane had better get busy in keeping up with , whats about to come out. Even Stevo kinevo is waiting on 2020 to come out . And he uses X planes Hotstart to practice with. So what does that tell you. Hotstart i suggest you get busy with a 2020 TBN900/940 , or you will start to loose clientele. I love your Tbn 900, but if 2020 is that good, i will have no choice but to put you on the shelf. And i suspect that X-plane will start to loose customers also. Look at it this way, when Uber and lyft came on the market, yellow cab literally lost 60 to 70 percent of there business. They waited to long to catch up with the times, and now its to late for them. nobody but the hardcore folks use the yellow cab. So X plane , i suggest you start to get busy real fast and get your sim up to Parr fast. Microsoft looks like they spent tons of money and the best developers out there and the best technology to get , what looks like the best ever sim to come out. X plane , to me seems like it was a one man show trying to do it all by himself. Just my opinion on that. I always looked at Laminar Research as a one man show. I dont know why but , that's the way i saw it compared to FSX. When FSX failed in 2006, that's when i started to get more involved in X plane. It was very good , but lacking some of the things i loved about FSX. The x plane flight model was superb, but was lacking in other things that made it excellent . It always in its earlier days seem like a ghost town when flying there excellent planes. You were alone all the time, that is if you loaded there extra packaged to feel more like you were not alone. But it still took more software to make it seem more real. FSX , even though there planes were not that good, they gave you the full package, atc, better graphics, dumb al planes all over the place running into each other. But you did not feel alone. X plane got better down thru the years always competing with FSX. When FSX failed , Xplane became the king of the Sims. Well X plane you have work to do, and so does Hotstart with your TBM900. If FSX 2020 does what they say it will do, you will loose customers. Just look at the reviews and what folks are saying about 2020 and Youtube. there are all excited and cannot wait for the release. Well folks, i know i will be shot down for my half a cents worth of blabbing, but i have been flying sims longer than most of you folks age. I'm older than dirt, so i can take it. Nuuf Said. RobertC
  8. Well folks, i must say i truly enjoy X plane, but i will be honest with you. i have been using FSX for years. And i occasionally used X plane when i had problems with FSX. When FSX died in 2006 , when they fired all of the folks at Microsoft. Fsx went by the wayside. Other developers took over and did there best to keep it up and running. I decided to go fully with X plane , and i really started to enjoy X -plane , when Hotstart came out with the TBN 900. That was a plane like no other. I have been siming for 25 plus years and that plane i have enjoyed the most. Even PDMG , did not impress me like that plane did. But i always missed FSX for some reason. So what does Microsoft do, they are coming out with a sim that looks impossible to pull off. I mean if they are serious about what they are about to release. I'm talking about FSX 2020. From what im seeing in the Sim, I cannot wait for the release. If it does what they claim that this sim will do. X plane you are in trouble. I believe even hardcore X planers will make the switch just to see if its real. And if it is as good as they say it will be. Any true sim gamer will have no choice but to make the switch. After all this is what we have been waiting for , is it not. Years of tweaking , and adding files , more software to make software better. Adding this file to make this file work. Upgrading computers just to get a few more frame rates to get more realism. ETC. Is this the Flightsim we have all been waiting for. and im talking about us guys that have been siming for years. We have more software that we care to remember. I'm chomping at the bit waiting for the release. My computer is all ready set up for it. I have all-ways upgraded my com, ahead of the curve. So what am i saying, im saying That X plane had better get busy in keeping up with , whats about to come out. Even Stevo kinevo is waiting on 2020 to come out . And he uses X planes Hotstart to practice with. So what does that tell you. Hotstart i suggest you get busy with a 2020 TBN900/940 , or you will start to loose clientele. I love your Tbn 900, but if 2020 is that good, i will have no choice but to put you on the shelf. And i suspect that X-plane will start to loose customers also. Look at it this way, when Uber and lyft came on the market, yellow cab literally lost 60 to 70 percent of there business. They waited to long to catch up with the times, and now its to late for them. nobody but the hardcore folks use the yellow cab. So X plane , i suggest you start to get busy real fast and get your sim up to Parr fast. Microsoft looks like they spent tons of money and the best developers out there and the best technology to get , what looks like the best ever sim to come out. X plane , to me seems like it was a one man show trying to do it all by himself. Just my opinion on that. I always looked at Laminar Research as a one man show. I dont know why but , that's the way i saw it compared to FSX. When FSX failed in 2006, that's when i started to get more involved in X plane. It was very good , but lacking some of the things i loved about FSX. The x plane flight model was superb, but was lacking in other things that made it excellent . It always in its earlier days seem like a ghost town when flying there excellent planes. You were alone all the time, that is if you loaded there extra packaged to feel more like you were not alone. But it still took more software to make it seem more real. FSX , even though there planes were not that good, they gave you the full package, atc, better graphics, dumb al planes all over the place running into each other. But you did not feel alone. X plane got better down thru the years always competing with FSX. When FSX failed , Xplane became the king of the Sims. Well X plane you have work to do, and so does Hotstart with your TBM900. If FSX 2020 does what they say it will do, you will loose customers. Just look at the reviews and what folks are saying about 2020 and Youtube. there are all excited and cannot wait for the release. Well folks, i know i will be shot down for my half a cents worth of blabbing, but i have been flying sims longer than most of you folks age. I'm older than dirt, so i can take it. Nuuf Said. RobertC
  9. Rdtcmtt


    Hello folks, im sure this has been discussed, but i have a weird problem. When ever i start to fly and get in the air, i get this bobbing up and down in the plane. The weather is great just the yolk tends to go forward and backwards on its own and the view is bobbing up and down. It does not effect the flight but so annoying. Even at 3000 feet or whatever i get this anomaly No matter the height of the plane or where i fly, it continues thru out the flight. I have tried adjusting the trim , but to no avail. My old yolk broke and i ordered a new one , so im using the mouse and keyboard until it comes. Could that be the problem, using the mouse is very sensitive. What am i missing here. Thx......RobertC
  10. Rdtcmtt

    Power bar

    thx , reinstalled and that solved problem.
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