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  1. Thank you so much. That is a great help. Much appreciated.
  2. Well, the saga continues. Have managed to get the program to boot OK. now I cannot find any manuals for this aircraft. Suggestions and hints most appreciated. I did see a manual on this a while back from LAS and I have one question if that's still the manual available. Is there a manual in modern readable form or is there just one produced as an artefact for historians?
  3. No joy on that solution at all. When might this magic upgrade becoming along, please?
  4. Not quite sure what you mean by default aircraft. I have opened several aircraft since this one was installed, including trying to open the DC three all without success. I have also opened other aviation aircraft, and that doesn't seem to make any difference either. Appreciate a little bit more help on this.
  5. He was an update on my progress or more specifically the lack of progress on this issue. I have found a copy of the DC three version two on an earlier install of XP 12 and in that install it seems to boot up OK. it starts with a warning about sound bank missing but the program still seems to run. When I try to get the info that to see if we can start it under a Rosetta the option to choose Rosetta it's not there. So what I did was, I went to the current installation of the same program on my on my other installation of the program. Please note that both the older and the current version of XP 12 are the latest update to XP 12. I then went and uninstall the version two of DC three and reinstalled everything. That version still crashes. On top of that the option to run under Rosetta is on the get info again, but the program doesn't even get as far as sound warnings at this plane crashes outright. I am attaching the text files from both installations one works, and the one doesn't work. Would really love to get this install installed and working properly so I can get onto to actually learning a very special aircraft. Log.txt Log 2.txt
  6. Thank you very much for this. It certainly will help me get out of the hanger. It's been a long time since I've used Rosetta's. I'll have to think over how to get there, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. Is there or not a gizmo plug-in that runs on the arm ship on the Mac which theoretically should solve some of these problems? OK, off to check it out and once again, thank you so much appreciate it.
  7. Sorry I thought I had attached a log file last time. Here we go again for this time. This file was created after I had uninstalled and reinstalled the DC three and after updating to the latest X-Plane version on their latest beta. The one thing this time was it came up with a missing sound bank flag that happens a lot on aircraft waiting for a serial number, but there isn't a serial number in this one
  8. Sorry I thought I had attached a log file last time. Here we go again for this time. This file was created after I had uninstalled and reinstalled the DC three and after updating to the latest X-Plane version on their latest beta. The one thing this time was it came up with a missing sound bank flag that happens a lot on aircraft waiting for a serial number, but there isn't a serial number in this one Log.txt
  9. Hi, I am new to this for a moment feeling my way around a bit. I have an issue trying to start up the DC three on my M1 Ultra max studio with arm chip and it just keeps crashing on start up. I am sure hoping someone has a suggestion or solution to get around this is they have not used this model for a while and would like to start into it agai? All suggestions greatly appreciated I believe a gentleman by the name of Goran is the one I should be chatting with Thank you
  10. An y word on when the new FMOD package will be released? it is a bit off putting to shut down, hen switch to an exterior view and hear the engine still going! thanks
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