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Julien Pham

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Everything posted by Julien Pham

  1. Thanks for the answer In fact I tried a MSFS conversion scenery only once, a few years ago, and the result was so so, I mean some things I was unable to convert ^^ The only problem is: if I can find freeware hawaii scenes (honolulu for instance) I can try to convert them, and if it does not work, it does not work... but if it is payware, this means if I can't convert it, it will be a lost of money Do you have sceneries to advice me for Oahu, either x-plane ones (freeware or payware), or MSFS I can convert? (btw is it what I need to convert FSX to x-plane? http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=24&st=30 I wonder, because the last update was in 2008, so it is a bit old ^^)
  2. So, I bought the island of Oahu. Indeed it is fine. Perhaps I can find now sceneries to put objects on Oahu Either x-plane sceneries, or FSX ones I can convert ^^
  3. Thanks for your answer. btw in the FAQ of some sort you said you have corrected the airport placement, right? So this means the airport has moved a bit. So does it mean if we take an existing airport scenery to have buildings, we will have some placement issues? So I will have to add buildings myself? ^^ And so thanks for the infos, I'll check this out. btw is there a project to enhance your existing legacy RealScenery products? I will perhaps buy the inner package add-on and your WA/OR would fit well with, but they are not enhanced ^^ (Same thing with other scenery we would like to add on top of your scenery, like honolulu airport, or other towns, airports, and the like... there is a risk so that their building location does not match well with your road location, some things like that... or does it mean I should install the scenery and then edit it to change building locations so for instance I will not have a building just ON a road? ^^)
  4. Hi, I have checked some screens, and they really look amazing, good job. I have two questions, though: - if I should buy just one of your sceneries, which one? Which one is the most detailed, most precise, most beautiful? The island of Oahu? Another one? - all the screens are taken from a quite high altitude... how do they look close to the ground? There is no tree or 3D autogen buildings, right? Does it mean as well there is no building on the airports? From high altitude it looks cool, but if airports are empty I wonder if it will not give an empty feeling when we are landing. And so, at low altitude, is the texel sharp? Or does it look blurry like the X-Plane global scenery? Thanks a lot, good job, and see you later.
  5. Correct me if I'm wrong, but a keyboard send a key to the computer, so any keyboard will send the same key. The only solution to this, I think, is to use a script application, like autohotkey or glovepie. One of those (or the two, don't remember) can handle several keyboards, so you can create custom hotkeys with those. Like, for instance, you can say the script language when you press the "t" key on the first keyboard to send to the computer the "ctrl+alt+t" keystroke. And so pressing the t on this keyboard will send this keystroke instead, and pressing "t" on the other keyboard will press the standard "t". And after that, you can program keystrokes from inside xplane with "ctrl+alt+t", and so on... But you have to learn how to use those scripting languages, try first something easy to see if it works the way you want. It is not that difficult to achieve, but I cannot test as I have only one keyboard. Autohotkey: http://www.autohotkey.com/ Someone here would like to do something that what you want: http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic40624.html
  6. So here is the screen of the joystick axis page : The throttle (the right pedal) is the axis I named "frein droite". The clutch (the left pedal) is the axis I named "frein gauche". Note that if I do not press anything, those axis are fulled, I have to press the pedals to empty the bars. So I guess something should be inverted somewhere And thanks a lot
  7. Oh really? This would be wonderful. What do you need exactly? A screen of the setup page and I should show you what is the throttle axis and what is the clutch axis in this setup page? And you'll mix them up in a new axis I can put the rudder on? This is what you need? Thanks a lot
  8. No they cannot slide, those are real racing pedals, not designed for flight sims at all That is why I need a way to combine two axis in one, with a software. I know this is not ideal, but I can hardly ask my wife to find a place for flight sim pedals as well She was kind to let me put a racing cockpit and a three screen setup at home ^^ When you talk about your pedals with a choke, I guess you have the CH pedals? I had them as well, perhaps I still have them somewhere in the house, but they take quite some place So my pedals can just tilt ^^ The throttle, the brake pedal, and the clutch
  9. Hi, I have no room at home for dedicated flight sim pedals. But I have Clubsport pedals from fanatec, very good racing pedals. I would like to find a way to use them as rudder pedals in x-plane. But for this I need a way to create a virtual axis and combine two axis of my pedals into this virtual axis. Do you know how I can achieve this ? (on windows) Thanks
  10. Hi, So I'm using a three screen setup with eyefinity, in 6016x1080 resolution. My monitor width are 55.4 cm each, and the visible width is 51 cm. The screens are 40° one from each other. According to the racing sim I race in, this leads me to a 128 FOV (field of view). Anybody can help me configuring x-plane for that? I have seen some setups in the graphical settings, the FOV ok, but I do not understand what to put there in the other fields... Thanks a lot
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