Correct me if I'm wrong, but a keyboard send a key to the computer, so any keyboard will send the same key. The only solution to this, I think, is to use a script application, like autohotkey or glovepie. One of those (or the two, don't remember) can handle several keyboards, so you can create custom hotkeys with those. Like, for instance, you can say the script language when you press the "t" key on the first keyboard to send to the computer the "ctrl+alt+t" keystroke. And so pressing the t on this keyboard will send this keystroke instead, and pressing "t" on the other keyboard will press the standard "t". And after that, you can program keystrokes from inside xplane with "ctrl+alt+t", and so on... But you have to learn how to use those scripting languages, try first something easy to see if it works the way you want. It is not that difficult to achieve, but I cannot test as I have only one keyboard. Autohotkey: Someone here would like to do something that what you want: