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Rafael Fernandez

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Everything posted by Rafael Fernandez

  1. Haha Okay, Well expect the next update being 2 days from now.
  2. Ok then Nick... Im no where near release of this Embraer, Im just posting for advice. Because If I do alot and not update you guys and you say ive made a mistake I can fix it.
  3. MY 100th Post ;D ;D ;D haaha, Here is the New landing gear with most of the objects edge splitted. Does it look better.BEFORE AFTER
  4. Thanks Rueben Im on blender Forums looking at tutorials seeing if any could assist me.
  5. Well I only have 3 days expirience with Blender so Nick Ill be looking forward to learning tricks and I only used Dans tutorial for PM and The windows. Im going to the skinning the roof tutorial next
  6. Nick, Thanks for the advice. Im actually going by what dan has taught me in his tutorials in Blender Im going in the order he is. Goran, Yes theres still alot! to do.
  7. Heres 4 more hours of work. I just learned how to create wires, cables, and cords. Heres some more detail. Not much changed since the first shot.
  8. Heres 2 days work on the Nose Gear Trying to get every little detail in.
  9. Well about 3 hours I got these windshields done correctly . Blender is a great tool.
  10. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!! Thanks to Gilbernl I found my answer in less than 30 seconds all I had to do was press 5! wow Ok I can finally get something done in Blender. Thanks to Nick
  11. Im going to listen to Gilbernl because you have more expierience than most of us on this website except for a few exceptions. Im going to continue on with my Nose Gear in Blender, as well as my Nacelles but they are more later. Im going to create an account on the blender site and ask for help.
  12. Well since fixing the engines is a long way from here. I started work on the Nose landing Gear wheels.
  13. OH THANK YOU these are perfect .! Thanks so much.
  14. Thanks Goran, Yeah I supposed I went a little overboard. Im going to fix those Engines. And My plane will be nowhere near PMDG quality. Maybe like X737 quality or less and it will get better as I learn.
  15. Also If some peeps could do me a favor, The Embraer 195 is a very underated aircraft. So Im veryyy limited to photos, I need Landing Gear close ups, and Engine close ups. Please post any on here because I cant seem to find any at all. Help Please
  16. I dont know if you live in America, But California Pizza Kitchen has the best pizza in the states, Traditional cheese neopolitan style :DDDDD yum..
  17. haha. Actually Im not really rushing. Today I got only what the photo has done nothing else. Plus Nick said this is going to be a terd with wings because Its my first Plane. So no im not rushing this project, Just trying to make it look good.
  18. More engine shots. Notice Ive redone some parts
  19. No boring just helpful. Its just I cant seem to get them to work.
  20. I just tried it... Epic Fail. Here is progress on spinning fan blades. They show up kind of wierd because of youtube but If you have fast comp, No problem seeing it and you can watch in HD
  21. BAHAHA! so true I only run up x-plane once in a while. Only 30 seconds though.
  22. More texturing of the nacelles. The blue is from a photo I found on the net, I put it in Gimp and did what I had to then Textured the model. Now to X-plane.
  23. More Progress. Im texturing the fan blades. They will be spinning. The nose part of the fan will not be just the backround. Im texturing now so I can see them spinning in x-plane.
  24. I did..... Here are the 3d engine pylons
  25. I know its not a good Idea. But I dont know how to in AC3D and my backround photos dont show in Blender so I cant use your method.
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