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Everything posted by Type40

  1. It was indeed the X-Plane failures module, not sure why it suddenly decided to give me a failure but it did. Thanks for the great support.
  2. Okay, so I reinstalled it and when I launched it, it worked fine. Then I did the flight and after it closed the Sim. Now I just started it again and want to do another flight and again it's not working anymore, I don't get a distance on the PFD and am not able to use NAV again. I have also attached my TBM900 log file. TBM900_Log.txt
  3. Thanks I will try tha
  4. The things is I have not updated yet. Between the Flights that the G1000/NAV worked and between where it didn‘t I did not change anything I could think off. Would. a reinstall affect my Airframes though? If not I would try that
  5. Hey Guys, So since 3 or 4 days my G100 is not working anymore, what I mean by that is it's bugged out, When I want to go direct to an Airport it des provide me with the line but will not let me activate the NAV and also the distance and bearing and ETE are wrong, I am only experiencing this Issue on the TBM not on the default C172 with G1000. I really don't know what to do anymore, I have tried updating the Navdata again but that hasn't helped. See attached screenshots below. All of these Screenshots have been taken in or in the vicinity of Victoria so 0.1 Mile to KEAT isn't true either. Any help is much appreciated
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