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  1. Crap this plane's is going nuts when I try using autopilot. When I turn it off this annoying cricket warning never stops. Cant seem to set the pitch with my gladiator. Cant fine the pitch up and down on the controls of the plane. Lots of times i nose dive to my death! Please somebody knows what I'm doing to cause this. Thanks for your reply!!! Log.txt
  2. Kingair

    SAAB 340A

    I have reviewed all the manuals but no mention of where the turn on autopilot button is! Also ,re-play mode dose not record all sound... Log.txt
  3. hey many thanks
  4. I have win10, xplane 11, SAAB 340A, gladiator stick, no pedals. I have plane up and running calibrated stick, the only thing I can't do is steer the plane on the ground with the nose wheels. Please reply I would love to fly with you all.
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