I got into the plane yesterday at 1am local time, which is pitch black of course. First I couldn't turn on the flashlight, which I could before as I mapped it to ALT-L. I was poking around for a while try to make out buttons but ... no go, it was too dark. Since I couldn't see anything I changed time to daytime, start engine and then switched it again to 1am. All panels are working fine at this point and button inscriptions are fine as well but no ambient light at all. I turned on pilot/copilot overhead lights ... they light up but it's still pitch black in cabin. I turned on taxi lights, landing, pulse, strobe ... you name it, still pitch black in front of the plane. From outside view they are all turned on, bu they do nothing. Plane maintenance tab shows all green, X-Plane failures disabled.
Not sure if this is TMB or X-Plane issue, wondering if anyone experienced anything similar and how you solved it.