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Jan Naslund

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  1. Hi, Had almost 10 flights without crashing but it just happened after landing at EGCK while i was shutting down the plane. Log files attached. Best Regards / Jan Log.txt TBM900_Log.txt
  2. Hi, I have a Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 graphics card but i don't know if it is an AMD GPU or not. Br /Janne
  3. Hi, When i select an approach in the FMS, i am asked if i want to set minimums and when i turn the inner knob, all i can set is BARO (For MDA Minumim Descent Altitude). I can't get RA (Radar Altitude). How can i select RA instead of BARO? Best Regards / Jan
  4. Hi, Managed 2 flights now without crashing. Will save the log from the next flight that crashes and send to you. Br /Jan
  5. Hi, I don't have AI enabled at all and now crashes have started every flight again. I can send you the xplane11 log.txt if you give me a valid email address. Last lines from the crash just now: 0:46:28.630 I/ATC: All arrivals are done at EDDS. Advancing... 0:46:28.630 I/ATC: Changing EDDS CabState from 2 to 0 0:46:32.656 I/ATC: Airport flow changed at LSME! CurFlow: AUTOGEN: West NewFlow: Default WEST 0:46:32.656 I/ATC: Changing LSME CabState from 0 to 1 0:46:32.656 I/ATC: All departures are done at LSME. Advancing... 0:46:32.656 I/ATC: Changing LSME CabState from 1 to 2 0:46:32.656 I/ATC: All arrivals are done at LSME. Advancing... 0:46:32.656 I/ATC: Changing LSME CabState from 2 to 0 XSB Weather push for: LFSB XSBWeather data: vis=16.000000 alt=29.320000,rain=0.250000,thun=0.000000 XSBWeather wind: 0/2500/140/7/0/0 2500/10400/282/3/0/0 10400/22600/291/30/0/0 22700/90000/268/60/0/0 XSBWeather temp: 100/9 10000/-17 18000/-28 35000/-61 XSBWeather clouds: 2300/2950/1/1/3 3600/6600/5/1/17 -1/-1/0/0/0 Push complete. XSB Weather push for: LFSB XSBWeather data: vis=16.000000 alt=29.320000,rain=0.250000,thun=0.000000 XSBWeather wind: 0/2500/140/7/0/0 2500/10400/282/3/0/0 10400/22600/291/30/0/0 22700/90000/268/60/0/0 XSBWeather temp: 100/10 10000/-17 18000/-28 35000/-61 XSBWeather clouds: 2300/2950/1/1/3 3600/6600/5/1/17 -1/-1/0/0/0 Push complete. XSB Weather push for: LFSB XSBWeather data: vis=16.000000 alt=29.320000,rain=0.250000,thun=0.000000 XSBWeather wind: 0/2500/140/7/0/0 2500/10400/282/3/0/0 10400/22600/291/30/0/0 22700/90000/268/60/0/0 XSBWeather temp: 100/10 10000/-17 18000/-28 35000/-61 XSBWeather clouds: 2300/3650/1/0/7 5000/8000/3/0/17 -1/-1/0/0/0 Push complete. 2020-03-05 15:15:38 TBM900[except.c:282]: Something reinstalled our exception handler, replaced it with 0000000000000000 Best Regards / Jan
  6. Hi, Thought all was fixed now. After the upgrade i had 5 uneventful flights (All on Vatsim) but mainly from non congested airports. Tried today from EGLL with medium amount of traffic (8 deps and a few arrivals and after having towed the plane out. Booom!!! Crash!!! 2020-01-11 11:37:39 TBM900[except.c:282]: Something reinstalled our exception handler, replaced it with 0000000000000000 Best Rgs / Jan
  7. Hi, I updated to the latest version and have now made 3 flights and not had a problem yet. Keeping my fingers crossed. Goran_M, you suggested that i might have AI traffic running but i don't have any and i did not have any when i had crashes either. See the attached pic. Best Rgs / Jan
  8. Hi, Ok thanks, that worked but why does it say "Display name or Email Address" in the field then? Best Rgs / Jan
  9. Ooops, not sure what happened there
  10. Hi, Thanks Rob. It's the same procedure as for Garmin 430 and 530 but i couldn't get the list of flightplans to show up when i unselect the dep airport and clicked on the inner rotary at the 3 o'clock position. Nothing happened. I was on the FMS on the smaller screen on the left side. I tried the big screen on the right and voila, it worked. I thought it was the same FMS but just 2 different screens so i have only been using the smaller screen
  11. Hi, Thanks Rob. It's the same procedure as for Garmin 430 and 530 but i couldn't get the list of flightplans to show up when i unselect the dep airport and clicked on the inner rotary at the 3 o'clock position. Nothing happened. I was on the FMS on the smaller screen on the left side. I tried the big screen on the right and voila, it worked. I thought it was the same FMS but just 2 different screens so i have only been using the smaller screen
  12. Hi, I want to import flightplans i have made in Routefinder or simbrief into the TBM900 but on the G1000 i can't find a manu for this. It's a pain to have to manually enter each waypoint by hand into the G1000 Have i missed something? Best Rgs / Jan
  13. Hi, Thought i'd try one more time but just had a CTD again midflight. I am using the old version of the TBM900. I have the log.txt and the last lines are: XSB Weather push for: LFOK XSBWeather data: vis=18.000000 alt=30.530001,rain=0.000000,thun=0.000000 XSBWeather wind: 0/2500/40/2/0/0 2500/10400/276/1/0/0 10400/22600/285/44/0/0 22700/90000/262/89/0/0 XSBWeather temp: 100/3 10000/-17 18000/-28 35000/-61 XSBWeather clouds: -1/-1/0/1/0 24000/26000/1/0/0 -1/-1/0/0/0 Push complete. 1:13:58.527 I/ATC: Airport flow changed at LFSK! CurFlow: AUTOGEN: North NewFlow: NW ATC Flow 1:13:58.527 I/ATC: Changing LFSK CabState from 0 to 1 1:13:58.527 I/ATC: All departures are done at LFSK. Advancing... 1:13:58.527 I/ATC: Changing LFSK CabState from 1 to 2 1:13:58.527 I/ATC: All arrivals are done at LFSK. Advancing... 1:13:58.527 I/ATC: Changing LFSK CabState from 2 to 0 1:14:04.104 W/ATC: Could not find an appropriate flow at LFPG...attempting to autogen one on the fly 1:14:04.104 W/ATC: Adding autogen'ed flow AUTOGEN: North to the list for LFPG 2020-01-05 20:10:31 TBM900[except.c:282]: Something reinstalled our exception handler, replaced it with 0000000000000000 I have the complete xplane11 log.txt if you want it. Send me an mail and i can send it to you. I will update (No idea how to do this) if i can figure out wherre to find the update and how to apply it Best Rgs / Jan
  14. Hi, I try to login to the forums and is prompted for my user and password. I enter the credentials but is denied entry every time saying that the password is not ok. Every time i want to log in to this iste , i have to recover password. Receive an E-mail. Enter the same old password again and then i am automagically logged in to the site. If i close the browser and try to enter my user (E-mail) and password it says that the password does not match. Can this be fixed please? Best Regards / Jan
  15. Hi, Had 2 crashes tonight. The last one was when i made a missed approach at Heathrow. THE log.txt last entries are like this: XSB Weather push for: EGLL XSBWeather data: vis=0.370000 alt=30.450001,rain=0.000000,thun=0.000000 XSBWeather wind: 0/2500/270/5/0/0 2500/10400/298/2/0/0 10400/22600/307/47/0/0 22700/90000/284/94/0/0 XSBWeather temp: 100/6 10000/-17 18000/-28 35000/-61 XSBWeather clouds: 100/3100/5/1/17 -1/-1/0/1/0 -1/-1/0/0/0 Push complete. 2019-12-31 00:13:23 TBM900[except.c:171]: Caught EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION Backtrace is: 0 0000000068118120 C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvacegpu.inf_amd64_e25761f22983456f\nvoglv64.dll+0000000000BF8120 () 1 00000000681DB172 C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvacegpu.inf_amd64_e25761f22983456f\nvoglv64.dll+0000000000CBB172 () 2 00000000681DB7A4 C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvacegpu.inf_amd64_e25761f22983456f\nvoglv64.dll+0000000000CBB7A4 () 3 00000000681CD68B C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvacegpu.inf_amd64_e25761f22983456f\nvoglv64.dll+0000000000CAD68B () 4 00000000681CE72C C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvacegpu.inf_amd64_e25761f22983456f\nvoglv64.dll+0000000000CAE72C () 5 0000000067D77DCB C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nvacegpu.inf_amd64_e25761f22983456f\nvoglv64.dll+0000000000857DCB () 6 00007FF71E9CB9BA C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe+00000000003EB9BA () 7 00007FF71E9C9FCA C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe+00000000003E9FCA () 8 00007FF71F0489B1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe+0000000000A689B1 () 9 00007FF71F0639A0 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe+0000000000A839A0 () 10 00007FF71F06AFFF C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe+0000000000A8AFFF () 11 00007FF71F06613B C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe+0000000000A8613B () 12 00007FF71E6BC0CD C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe+00000000000DC0CD () 13 00007FF71EA51A6A C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe+0000000000471A6A () 14 00007FF71F2EFFE7 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe+0000000000D0FFE7 () 15 00007FF71F2E4C32 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe+0000000000D04C32 () 16 00007FF71F514847 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\X-Plane.exe+0000000000F34847 () 17 00007FFA93787BD4 C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL+0000000000017BD4 () 18 00007FFA94C4CED1 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll+000000000006CED1 () As it is now , i will probably stop flying the TBM900 even though is a great plane. It's not worth it to spend a long time programming a flightplan, preparing everything and then i crashes. Then doing it all over again and having it crash again. I have a Steam edition of x-plane. Br / Jan
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