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  1. The new Entegra installer installs into a "Beta" named folder. I assume I cannot just copy this folder contents into the proper folder or the future uninstall will not work?
  2. Jan's tutorials seem to be marked private on YT?
  3. That was it! Updated SAM (was a point release behind) and everything is fantastic now. Thanks for the quick response and solution Cam. All the best...
  4. X-Plane is hard crashing whenever I try to load into the IXEG 733. I have tried loading into other aircraft including all the other X-Aviation aircraft I own (SR-22, SR-20, Islander, Mooney) and they all load in fine. Wondering if this is a Gizmo beta issue? My log and stack_trace is attached. Thanks in advance for any insights. Log.zip stack_trace.zip
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