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Everything posted by RRessler

  1. Goran_M, I purchased it yesterday and have to say I think it may become my favorite GA. My 2017 iMac with the Radeon Pro 580 8gb, 40gb RAM seems to be holding at least 30fps. I only had a few problems that a/c repairs or a reboot was needed to fix. Have not tried the AOA or rain effects yet. I have default weather, X-life, X-camera, Avitab, and terrain radar, and most of the U.S. in ortho4xp scenery. Have only tried X-camera with it so far. The strangest issue I had was with rudder trim, it was stuck in the full left input, The repair did not fix it, even after a restart. I ended up creating a new aircraft and deleted the original, that seems to have fixed it. Currently working to get take off and landing roll adjustments in my Saitek rudder pedal curves to keep me on the straight and narrow path. Thanks for the immersive aircraft and your continued support.
  2. Goran_M, thanks for the update. I know you have been working hard at keeping this superb aircraft and it’s unique features bug free. I will be purchasing soon.
  3. Malenca, I wonder if I should wait till the Mac issue is resolved before purchase. Do you have the 2017 iMac with Radeon Pro 580, if so, is this the Mac you have that ran tbm900 fine until 1.1.6 update? Thanks for the info, hard to find anyone that is using my specs and what results they have had.
  4. I was curious about your specs as I have a 2017 iMac with Radeon Pro 580. I want to purchase the tbm900 add on if users are not having major issues with this system. I can’t seem to find a list showing the graphics cards affected. Thanks
  5. Malenca, what are the specs of your Mac? I couldn't find posted anywhere. Thanks
  6. Can you tell me if the TBM 900 with latest update will run on my system? I have a iMac 2017, 4.2ghz, 27" 5k, Radeon Pro 580 with 8gb, 40gb internal 2400mhz DDR4 RAM. I have read in a forum recently where some Mac users were having problems with specific graphics cards. I have seen youtube videos of this aircraft and would love to purchase this add on. Looks to be one of the best GA available for x-plane 11. Thanks in advance.
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