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Everything posted by Ducatstrada

  1. No hardward updates. But I am glad that the tbm 900 updates aren't the ones causing this issue. It has been awhile since it has happened. Except for tonight with the FFa320. But now I remember, that I updated it and forgot. So when I went to fly it, it asked me for my activation. it hadn't in the past just doing and update. Who knows. So it is probably something else going on. Thank you for your quick response. I will just document now when it happends. In the past it was mainly with Carenado aircraft. I just wanted to eliminate from possibly being one of the issues. I also updated my x-plane install so many times that it might be a good idea just to do a complete fresh install. Once again thank you for your response. I really appreciate the addons and when developers listen, provide help, and frequently update their aircraft, it's a good thing.
  2. I should have said, has anybody else noticed this. This could be on my end as I am not sure where the problem is. I don't like to read others blame developers for issues. I just don't remember this happening before I purchased the tbm 900. I just checked a few of my other planes, I didn't have to reactivate. It's not consistent.
  3. Each time I update the tbm900, I lose the activation from other aircraft I have purchased from x-plane.org. This has become quite frustrating, and I run out of activations, have to email the developer and have them reset my activation codes. Is there anything I can do to prevent tbm updates from deleting my other aircraft activations?
  4. I would also like to know. If I trim the aircraft with steady power, no wind, and then turn (bank) or make a change in pitch, and then bring the aircraft back to level flight, it will descend or climb, bank, etc... and I have to make major adjustments to trim to get the aircraft stable again. I use a thrustmaster warthog, which I use for all my aircraft, and this plane seems to be the only one that I have issues with. I am not blaming anyone. I have something going in my own system that is probably causing this because it seems it flys fine for most of you. In addition, I am finding it very hard to control the plane on take off and landing because it becomes very unstable on the runway. I know about torque, I have hundreds of hours in single and multi-engine aircraft and flew commercially. So I would ask assistance in setting up the control sensitivity and see what others that have the warthog use for their setup. I have included my log.txt file and tbm900.acf if that would be helpful. As for the rest, this add on is awesome, and can't wait till my setup is correct so that I can hand fly with stability Thank you Log.txt TBM900.acf update......................... I did find other posts on this subject. But would still like to hear from others that have the warthog. I am going to do a test flight now with the read suggestions
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