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Everything posted by Commander112

  1. Sundog, You are associated with a scam artist through x-aviation. Your business model is in serious jeopardy if you continue to associate your product distribution through them. He does not honor license agreements, he cuts you off from support without refunding the money paid. Many others have commented on the same issue. If I were you, I would seriously consider changing distribution networks or selling your product from your own site. I never could get your product to work and Cameron refuses to help and is fighting a chargeback I have initiated through the credit card company. He is a miscreant and you should have nothing to do with him if you care about our company.
  2. I could not install 4.8 on Windows 10 and XP10. I contacted support several weeks ago and never heard back from them. I uninstalled 4.8 and installed 4.8.1 and just like the older version, it appears to install, asks for my credentials etc but Skymaxx Pro never appears in the plugins section and yes, I did select the correct folder for where the XP is installed. The earlier version 4.7 installed and appeared in the plugins section. For some reason the new installer does not work. I submitted another support ticket. Can anyone help?
  3. Okey dokey.
  4. I haven't heard back from x-aviation support yet. THe comments above that this "works great" and the "runway lights can be seen through the clouds" was actually the default clouds under xp10 that I was looking at. I have not yet seen 4.8 working. But I have tried a few things: 1) I can reinstall 4.7.3 without any problems. It appears n Plugins 2) I installed 4.8 again and get the same result, it is not loaded nor is it found in the plugins. Error 126 in Log.txt, can't find win.xpl 3) My IT department says there's something wrong with the installer. Did you guys actually try installing the app from x-aviation onto a xp10 computer? 4) I actually tried reinstalling 4.8 this morning and I got a message I had not seen before. There has been an error. Unable to download component Skymaxx Pro. Component file version does not match. I elected to abort rather than continue. I then redownloaded the file from x-aviation, it appears to be the same file and reran. This time it says it installed completely, I verified my license and the same result, No SkyMaxx Pro 5) Are you guys responsible for the installer or is x-aviation. At the end of the install, it launches the old manual not the new one. 6) Did the win.xpl change so that it is no longer compatible with xp10? Is there a registry entry that I can check?
  5. Re-installed, file is there, directory /64 has security set to full access control for everyone. Submitted support ticket.
  6. Thanks for the quick reply. When it installed, SkyMaxx uninstalled the previous version and then installed the new version. There is a folder under resources / plugins named silverlining but when I run X-Plane 10, there is no entry under plugins for SkyMaxx. Its not under Plugins admin either. This is new. What am I doing wrong. I also rebooted after installing. I believe it installed because the clouds look different than the default xp clouds The log.txt says the win.xpl module could not be found (error 126), but it is sitting in /64/ folder just as it is supposed to be. Its dated 4/23/2019 about 2-3k in size. I uninstalled and reinstalled and get the same error. x-plane is asking me to reauthtenicate the license, which I do.
  7. The new version 4.8 works great. Thank you. 1) Can you tell me the difference between stratus and overcast? I noticed that the runway lights are visible through the overcast but not for the stratus. The stratus works great for IFR training but was wondering what the difference is. 2) Can you explain further what the "Suppress towering storm clouds above 40 degrees latitude (unless told to explicitly by an external injector)" means. 3) Has the manual PDF changed? Its still labelled 4.7? Thanks again.
  8. Any word on when this will be available?
  9. OK, that was a poor use of words, I admit. I see you are going to fold this fix into 4.8, will this be a free update to those with 4.7.3?
  10. Frank, Do you have any idea how long this will be to get an update out. Right now I have an app that is not useful and I am getting no where fast with Cameron. I would like to keep the app but it makes no sense at this time as it doesn't do anything. Jim
  11. When can I expect that release? And Thank you for your efforts
  12. Can't update right now because Flythissim doesn't support xplane11 yet.
  13. When I select SkyMaxxx disenabled, the clouds look correct, clear above and solid stratus until breaking out at 800MSL (give or take). Can not see the runway lights while in clouds as an aside. I do care what the log says, I just don't know how to read it and it is giving conflicting info from what I am seeing. When I switch back SMP on, I get a single (I guess) layer at several thousand feet above and nothing below. Visibility is 6+ though its set at 2.5. As I descend through 800 MSL I get a quick "layer" that is very very thin, more of a flash (same on takeoff). The XP10 weather settings are 800 base 3000 MSL tops (set to stratus), other layers above are clear skies. Is there a cache problem here? What does the log say about the depth of the layer? I disabled Pilotedge and Vatsim, two plugins that have some wx interaction. Still the same thing.
  14. I've been a pilot for over 45 years. I am not confused on what I am seeing. I don't know why you are bringing up scud layers. I am not talking about the cloud layer varying a hundred feet. I have it set for 800MSL out of an airport that is 450MS and the stratus layer is shown at 5000ft MSL I don't know what the log says or doesn't say. It is not rendering the cloud layers correctly. How do I fix that? Would you like to get on my computer with teamviewer?
  15. I have tried a number of scenarios and different settings and the clouds are not corresponding to the xplane weather settings
  16. I'm not sure what version I have running because the download clearly says 4.7.3 but when I go into the plugin menu and select Configure Clouds, it says 4.7.2. I've never owned a previous version. I am currently using "solid Stratus" which does look better but the same issue exists when using it. When I started up program to send you a log, I refreshed the weather back to clear then added the stratus layer with base at 800 and tops at 2800. Changed visibility down to 2 miles. Here is the log.txt Also, the default clouds that come with XP 10 are opaque until exiting base layer. Is there anyway to increase the opacity of SMP clouds? Its really needed for IFR training. Log.txt
  17. I just installed Skymaxx Pro 1.4.7 into Windows 10, x-plane 10 I do not have the real wx connector plugin . I set clouds to 800ft msl At airport with field elevation of 400MSL I expected to see a stratus layer as I climbed through 800 MSL. The stratus layer depth is set to 3000 ft. As I fly through 800 msl, a paper thin flash occurs but no stratus layer. There are stratus layer above at about 5000MSL even though the wx is set to clear above the 3800 msl mark. Alos, if fly above stratus layer, that is several thousand feet deep, I can still see the runway lights. Set to HD stratus. Any ideas
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