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  1. Yes I am using it , and it works fine (till now)
  2. Yes!!, with the pilot audio volumen sliders up ATC works perfectly. Thank you very much for your help to you both JGregori and mjrhealth
  3. Thanks for your help, as soon as I come back home I'll try it. For your answer I undettand that written message don't work for the LES SAAB 340A
  4. Good morning, I wonder if you could help me. I've been trying to use the X-plane-11 (11.33) default ATC with the LES SAAB340 and looks like it doesn't work as expected. The written message and the sound from ATC to pilot don`t work. But the confirmation message from pilot to ATC sounds fine. With default planes the ATC works fine. Is that a problem or could be a configuration problem? Thanks in advance for your help.
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