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Everything posted by mcflyslim

  1. Hi Jan! I just tested a flight with version 1.31. I noticed a problem when inserting the fixed in the FMC. The R2 button on the MCDU just didn't seem to be working because it didn't accept entering any data. Finally, I ended up imputing the data using the F / O's MCDU. I will report if there are more failures. Thank you.
  2. Hello friends! I was already thinking that I was doing something wrong because VNAV really, if there is no interference from the pilot, it is not going well. Jan I am a big fan of CARGO and a variant of IXEG will be very welcome. I like the most classic aircraft like the 727, 737-200 and 737-300, 400 and 500. The NG family is cool, but it doesn't have the charm of a serious classic. The 737-200 is one of my favorites and here in my country, Brazil, it had an affectionate nickname of BREGUINHA something like "Tasteless" in English, that is, something out of fashion. This happened because when the 737-300 arrived, the pilots called it CHIQUE, something like FANCY in English (inside the fashion). Sorry for my bad English, but I used the google translator to help.
  3. Hello; I have the same problem that the colleagues mentioned above. The settings menu on the left does not appear. The aircraft loads energized and I can't choose the dark and cold cockpit. I'm also using Gizmo64
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