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Everything posted by erfandsp

  2. Hey Skymaxx team i'am 100% believe Skymaxx pro 4.9.0 to 4.9.2 with Altitude 1.9.11b not working. after i updated 4.9.0 and same time use Altitude 1.9.11b flight my sim was block and crash. now im used Skymaxx pro 4.9.2 and same problem happened again again and again. before im update skymaxx pro 4.9.0 i have not this problem. Could you check this issue because im really want to fly poit A to Point B please! Log.txt
  3. what is the reason?
  4. after update Skymaxx 4.9.2 when im flying cruise altitude my Xplane11 was crash . xplan11.41 version not the 11.50 beta Log.txt
  5. after update Skymaxx 4.9.1 when im flying cruise altitude my Xplane11 was crash . xplan11.41 version not the 11.50 beta
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