How about sharing your insight...maybe I am doing something wrong, but it still does not work, I can move the trimwheel with mouse, the joystick on yoke is moving but not the trimwheel. And yes the overhead trimAP thing is on...
I found the problem ...
My Elevator Trim thingy was broken...and also my Rudder Trim Linkage....its under Airframe in Hangar.....LOVE IT!!!
Yep I had the same issue, made for some interesting challenge in my low vis app to LSZB.... :-)
Trim did not work! Also 1.1.2 run fantastic...1.1.3 seems to have another impact on fps....
Still so much to do for this beauty...Keep working
McDan out
Yes I did, or is there some special procedure to shut down?
The temperature was about 50C when I entered the aircraft and climbed to around 155C....Go figure
Hey there
I really enjoy this plane, need to learn a lot!
I was flying a short distance, around 30 min and landed and got diner.
When I reloaded Xplane and the beauty, the ITT rises without me doing anything, no battery, just the crashbar up, what I am missing???
McDan out