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About michelpia

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. The SSJ Ramzess of a deicing truck (in principle) but I posted on their forum without success. This truck is described in the manual page 28 with image support yet. Of course, this truck could not be used at SSJ but so, apparently, it must be difficult to model because even when it is, it does not work.
  2. Hi, Many thanks for your answers. I install yesterday SMP . It offers many possibilities of adjustements and I like certainly the "grey screen of death" of XP disabled with SMP. it's a certainly very good addon.
  3. thanks . very good news.
  4. In fact, for example, I descend in the clouds and I see the runway behind and suddenly, the" mist" . ok I check the cloud conditions for level of the clouds and may be I can meet another clouds but why so suddenly . I see front me the runway, ok it's free of clouds and suddenly I don't see anything. I understand this effect if I travel the mist but in this case I don't understand why.
  5. Hi, In Xp, when you flight to another transition altitude, you have suddenly a "blackout" non transitionnal . I flight with some clouds and suddenly a black out . it's the same when I see the runway and suddenly the same black out . I ask me if skymaxxpro resolve this situation .(more transition)
  6. Ok it's clear. I prefer to ask it before any bad install of skymaxxpro.
  7. Hi, I would try and buy skymaxxpro. Actually I try and install different freeware , the latest is product of Sabach who modify also reflections, moon etc If I understand, if I install skymaxxpro , the "default" clouds etc will be Sabach and for the next update I have the choice to overwrite (for obtain the original defaut xplane) If I don't overwrite, I can keep Clouds of Sabach like "defaut clouds in Skymaxxpro. May be it's better to re-update xplane to obtain a "fresh" install before try and install skymaxxpro but I am not sure is the best way in my case. Could you confirm? Thanks
  8. I have another CTD without touch the wp button selection and I have a another CTD (with the Saab too). I remark that if I open the XHSI plugin add with an aircraft like the saab (I have the same with the CRJ before the version 64bit) I have a CTD. Probably it's too much for my pc and yesterday I fly with the saab and the xhsi (with only 2 cadran open ) and I obtain the fps around 26 for the saab . (I see the recommandations for the saab /pc configuration and I know that I can optimize with the menu of XP) In fact I hope the next update optimize the fps. My pc is W7 64 bit i7(3.4ghz) ram 8go gtx 570. But I like this Saab .I like his feeling of fly.
  9. thank yo for this précisions. the wx button works well. I have a CTD for another reason .
  10. I just click on the wx position for see. I see greens zone in the HSI. I suppose that this button works. May be it's my pc. It's just for know if this button is functionnal thanks
  11. Yes sorry. it's the button wx below the crs1 button;. it seems that it given the weather colours
  12. Hi, I just test one times the wxt button and I have a CTD . Is it really fonctionnal for the moment? May be I have too much applications open at this time for add the wxt button Thanks
  13. I just now understand: the tail wheel work on wheels model (!). I believed that , on float models, the governail turn up with this handle.
  14. I just remark that if I load an another aircraft and switch on ADF on the Vor Dial and after load the DC3, I have the ADF tuned. For the tail wheel lock, it works on water for turn . But I can't turn up after the take off. Well, the more important is on water. Thank you for this DC3 an his flying model.
  15. Hi, The ADF1 and 2 does'nt work.( I try to push too on the button on/off ) The tail wheel lock doesn't work .It's no possible to left click and drag (I try too with a key assignment ) May be it's just a problem with my computer? I am on W7 64 bit I have the CRJ and I don't have problem. Did you have an idea? Thanks
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