Hi all, I have recently bought WT3 and have been using it successfully with Zibo & SSG 748 for about a month now. Last night I brought out my IXEG 73, which i had’nt flown since before I bought WT3 and have now started to get CTD when using this aircraft.
Apart from some sceneries the last thing I installed since I last flew IXEG was WT3. So I removed WT3 by taking out the CJS folder from XPlane 11 root and also the 2 plugin folders. Once this is done I can fly my IXEG with no issues.
Having a play around to find some clues, I have loaded the WT3 folders back into XPlane and noted that on some of the CTD, XPUIPC would pop up after the flight had initially loaded saying ‘Wrong IP address’ (.ini file checked and found ok).
The CTD can happen anytime from minutes in (without generating WT3 traffic/route setup) to 10 minutes or so after getting WT3 up and running for a flight.
Another thing to add is that I can't open the WT3 shortcut menu , even though the key assignments work in all other aircraft. I have tried reducing the number of AI aircraft to 5 then 3 but that didn't help and am a bit stuck with my next steps…...
Hopefully someone out there has a few pointers….
Log files attached
Log CTD 2153.txt
Log - CTD 2208.txt