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  1. I am also waiting for the XP12 version of the TBM900. And of course, I am also not happy it is taking that long. It is apparently not easy. But maybe also not rewarding enough from a financial perspective. I feel it is important for all of us simmers that developers have a healthy financial incentive, also for an important update. From that point of view, I never understood why the XP12 version would be free of charge for owners of the XP11 version. Maybe it makes sense for very recent purchases in order to protect a cash flow for the old version while waiting for the updated version. I doubt whether that will work when an upgrade takes many years like in this case. A discount for XP11 version owners may make sense, but free of charge is too generous. I would accept a subscription based model, safeguarding a longer term revenue stream for the developer and incentifying updates.
  2. I fully support Cameron and tkyler when it comes to paying a price for an upgrade. I cannot understand the negativity expressed by some members when it comes to paying a small amount for the XP12 version of an aircraft they bought many years ago for XP11. I do not understand why someone would assume a free update when the developers need to do a lot of work for enabling the use of an aircraft on an upgraded platform. I would suggest these members to refrain from the 'costly' update to XP12. I also would support quality-developers opting for offering a subscription-based model: Customers paying a small amount yearly would receive updates and upgrades for free. Other customers will receive bug-fixes but need to pay for updates and upgrades. I am sure not everybody will be in support. This model may have pros and cons, but I see it as a viable basis for continuous development and improvement.
  3. Goran, Thanks again, but no, X-Plane was not running. By the way: the installation became not responsive at exactly the same file extraction position. Maybe that provides a clue.
  4. Goran, thanks. No WD running. 4th time try: No success. I hope Cameron will have a suggestion (or anybody else). Thanks again.
  5. Thank you for the update. However I don't get it installed (tried 3 times; also without any firewall/virus service active). Do you have any suggestion? Thank you!
  6. Thank you danhenri. I already set a button for reverse. I may also set a button for rich and lean.
  7. Thank you Eseem. And after some rethinking you are right. I now recall that during the initial hours of familiarization with the aircraft I was figuring out how the throttle system operated. For that I shifted my field of view fully inside the airplane with the throttle in focus; no outside references. I tried to move the throttle and tried to get the throttle into the reverse mode. Somewhere subconscious I detected something was happening, but I did not realize I must have planted the airplane on the tail. What does not help me is that another plane I am flying (the Epic1000; same characteristics but also very different), requires forward motion of the throttle for applying reverse thrust. Well, after the costly repairs, I now hope I do not brake anything else and make my first flight.
  8. Thank you! You were fully right. Not only the trim, but all elevator functions were broken. I do not see a reason why. And by the way also my cabin pressure vessel is worn. Replacement seems to be impossible but a repair took USD 60,000 while the condition is still 'worn'. Then the tail navigation light is broken; USD 950. My plane is only 1 day old and did not fly one minute. This aircraft behaves like a spoiled child: very touchy and rather demanding. Up till now it was no fun owning this machine. It looks like the developers did not make the airplane robust enough. Let's see whether I can get this bird to flying. Thanks again.
  9. I have the same issue and the electric trim button is ON. The electric trim is not working on both my own sim yoke and on the yoke of the TBM 900 in the airplane. The manual trim wheel is working. I really would like to know what my next step should be. Thanks!
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