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Everything posted by Gilu

  1. Just wanted to give an update. My issue returned almost immediately after I last posted, so I gave up for a few months, but lately I've been trying every single potential remedy I could find on this forum. I've removed all plugins, scenery, cleared the shadercache folder, tried with a fresh install of X-plane, going through the log every time, but nothing stood out and the issue persisted. Turns out that Rivatuner Statistics Server was the culprit. Turning it off completely or setting detection level to none on the x-plane executable fixed the problem. I still have no idea why it only affected the TBM, but I'm very relieved that I finally get to properly enjoy this airplane. Hope this helps anybody with weird performance issues and thanks again for this amazing plane.
  2. That probably was the case, but it was still very weird to me that it only happened in the TBM. Glad it's sorted now and thanks again for all the help.
  3. Well, thanks to your suggestions I tried starting X-plane with only the default scenery files and the problem is gone, so I guess it must have been some rogue sceneries. Thank You so much for your help and for taking the time out of your Sunday to help me with this. You can mark this thread as solved and have a great day!
  4. Forgot to mention it, but I already tried that... I'm at my wits' end, because I feel like I've tried almost everything now. The weird thing is that it's the only plane in my whole x-plane collection that does this. I can load a different plane in the exact same spot and with the exact same settings and I get high, stable framerate, so the issue is specific only to the TBM. I'm really bummed out, because for the couple hours that I had with 1.0.5 (the big performance improvements patch) it was perfect and I fell in love with this plane, but it really is unplayable at the moment for me. Appreciate the help fireone
  5. Hi, since at least version 1.0.8 i have massive performance issues. I had them since version 1.0, they were fixed by 1.0.5 and 1.0,6. In 1.0.8, 1.0.9 and 1.1 I get good framerates when stationary, but when I pan camera around quickly my fps drop to about 7. I tried completely reinstalling the plane, lowering the settings, disabling all the plugins. Nothing helps and the TBM is the only plane I have this problem with. I attached screenshots with my framerates when camera is stationary and when I'm panning the view. It happens in both outside and inside views. My system is: i7 4790k GTX 980ti 16GB RAM.
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