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Everything posted by oregondan

  1. FWIW, I purchased the 733 a few days ago and was unable to access the Main Menu - either by hovering on the left or by assigning a keystroke. I reinstalled a few times (XP11), using the "stable" Gizmo with no success. This morning I reinstalled with the "beta Gizmo" and that cured the missing menu. Hovering on the left no reveals the Main Menu. (Also, the beta Gizmo asked for my login credentials, whereas the "stable" Gizmo merely listed the 733 in a small box with the other Take Command planes with no request for authentication.)
  2. Goran and team, I still use X-Plane 11.30r3 (build 113014 64-bit). I do not have CTD issues using TBM 900 1.1.4b. Should I update to v1.1.4c anyway (as Gizmo continuously urges me to do)? This is my first post here. You've created an excellent aircraft. Thank you.
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