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Everything posted by sgabriel

  1. Yes. I'm privileged to have a 24" iMac that Apple produced for (I believe) less than a year. It's a 1.07 GHz bus that takes 667MHz SDRAM. I do have another two GB of RAM on order. I'm counting on it to improve my quality of life.
  2. By process of elimination I've figured out that texture resolution is the factor for me. With tex res set to "high": 90 fps. With tex res set to "very high": 19 fps and fog. (With the default Cirrus Jet and "very high" tex res, I was getting over 20 fps) Pixel shaders and all other settings don't seem to affect fps abnormally. So, tex res set to "very high", which I normally run, is the cause. Now here's a three-part mystery: 1. Sometimes fps is bad from startup. 2. Sometimes fps drops only when I turn on the battery. 3. Sometimes the fps drop goes away after a few minutes. Mysterious.
  3. Thanks everyone. I'll give your suggestions a try and get back.
  4. Greetings all, I just wanted to express my disappointment! The Duchess is incredibly beautiful — no problem there, but it is the origin of my disappointment. It brings my system to a crawl. While I'm used to between 40 and over 100 fps, depending on scenery and aircraft, the Duchess gives me 19 fps and fog without any scenery. I haven't seen anyone reporting this, so I'm surprised. Perhaps it's my system? (?) MAC OS 10.5.8 3.06 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GS 512 MB VRAM
  5. My favourite part of this conversation is the juxtaposition of replies #21 and #22.
  6. Hi all, Question: Does REX do anything about the default turbulence that is found in every single @%$@! cumulus puff in X-Plane?
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