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Everything posted by Tabakbaum

  1. Hello there, I finally have to ask for help about this topic. Im trying to get the Pathway working for an ILS Approach. I already tried to find the answer in Videos or Descriptions, what i could find is: "The Highway in the Sky (HITS) boxes, if activated through the PFD, will correspond to the current source of navigation (GPS, localizer, etc.). They also will correspond to your selected altitude." I got this working for a Flight Leg Waypoint A -> B -> C and so on, but not for ILS. So what i do is: Activate Pathway in the PFD Menu, set the Nav Frequency for the specific ILS, set the course, set Nav Source to LOC1. The Plane follows the LOC and the GS but i see no Pathway shown on the PFD. I tried this for hours now, please help me. What am i doing wrong ?
  2. Awesome Work! You Guys set a new Benchmark for XPlane Payware Addons.
  3. So and how to brake now? Before the Update i braked with my Joystick Button asigned as "hold brakes normal effort". After 1.06 i cant break anymore. Edit: Well, "activate/deactivate brakes normal" works, but braking on landing is realy not comfortable this way, hard to regulate the brake effort if its just 0 or 1 breaking hmmm
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