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  1. Resolved. Did a little more digging and found the solution here... https://support.x-aviation.com/knowledgebase.php?article=6
  2. Updated to v1.0.1 today and loaded the aircraft but none of the landing gear are visible. v1.0.0 loaded the landing gear with no issues. Does the C525 have its own log somewhere? I couldn't find any other logs to submit. Log.txt
  3. Attempting to uninstall and reinstall the CL650 to get a clean install. Upon running the installer for v1.7, I receive the error attached below, and the installer terminates. I have attempted to manually delete the aircraft files in X-Plane12\Aircraft\X-Aviation, as well as the all associated files in X-Plane 12\Output. Upon running the installer, I receive the same error. I have also attempted to use JUST the uninstaller located in X-Plane 12\X-Aviation, and I have noticed windows will not open or execute the .exe for the cl650. It will however execute the uninstallers for the other aircraft (Inslander, Sr22, etc) so I am suspecting of an issue with the uninstaller file. I have disabled all computer antivirus measures while attempting these steps as well, with no luck. Is there a place to download just the uninstaller? Or perhaps where could I find the log for the installer? I'm unsure of my next steps and I have no clue what this error means?
  4. I am having the issue with the SR22 Entegra as well. Expanding the plugin admin window shows an increase of the "Flight Loop" from a normal ~100 to and increase up to ~2500. My average FPS are a solid 45-55 before random stutters from Gizmo in the SR22. Any ideas? Log - Copy.txt
  5. I'm having 3 problems and I've had them since 1.0.7 but I'm not sure if they're bugs or if I'm missing something. 1. I can't toggle autopilot. 2. Pitch trim isn't working. 3. I'm getting a terrain warning when taking off and landing. On landing I have my wheels down and full flaps. Log.txt
  6. After uninstalling 1.0.2 and doing an install of 1.0.3, I'm still notified if I want to reset the aircraft's systems or something like that. No matter if I hit yes or no, I get a crash to desktop still. Log.txt
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