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Everything posted by Nova

  1. Hmmm, looks like i have to try to disable Aero too, when playing. Since 9.3 i got really bad fps, however was able to increase them dramaticly by overclocking my pc. Previous: C2D E8400 @ 3.0 ans 1333MhZ FSB now on 3.6 with 1600MhZ FSB. Looks like the new lightning uses extremly the cpu, not the GPU. When you talk about 88 to over 100 fps, what are your settings? Do you set the objects higher than "default"? I have currently "too many" objects with "high" distance and @ 25fps. The GTX260 is not the best, but benchmarks say its way better than a 8800 which i still very common.
  2. I hope these switches will have functions, not only look nice. But first get this plane out, you still can patch it in. ;D If you need an beta tester, just call me : ;D Damn...i need something to erase my memory...so no more thinking about when this beauty will be available... :-\
  3. If its an 9.x Version then make sure you have the plugin is in you plugins folder within the aircraft folder. Another problem i found out, is that xsb gets broken if you load the x737. In this case, quit and restart x-plane, then you have your x737 loaded and xsb working.
  4. Yes i did.
  5. Hopefully they fix the shadow problem and prop-power too ;D The Avanti has thrust like a jet, and clouds below drop shadows on the plane.
  6. Same for me, got 40fps with insane objects at high distence, but only 30 with default/default with 9.3 plus those loading lags or what ever they are. Absolutly terrible performance, no matter what plane. I hope they will fix this, otherwise i will stay with 9.22rc1.
  7. Since im german, and like to fly as Lufthansa, i created a Hansaline (Lufthansa Regional) livery. No LIT included, but looks fine at night too. A logo light would have been great, but wasn't able to make it look good. Here it is: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?autocom=downloads&showfile=7666
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