Yeah it happened to me about 30 mins ago when landing at Kabul. At an elevation of 5,877 feet, almost fully loaded, full power, full props, and full flaps, I could only just maintain 115kts.
I was so happy to get down,, that I forgot about the sensitivity of this aircraft, and pull back too quickly on landing. The aircraft just conked out as I reached a taxiway. :-)
The throttle and conditioning levers will take some getting used to. Getting the aircraft to take off power without overcooking it can be a challenge too. The most of the throttle action seems to come in the final third of travel, I would love to see it more evenly spread (from ground idle upwards) throughout the travel range of the lever.
I am not so sure that I should be taking this aircraft up to Nepal and Kathmandu as I tour this area of the world (I'll have to check the limitations) ;-)