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Everything posted by jumpjet

  1. Hi Thanks for the reply. Your method is fine for the default GPS supplied with the aircraft, but not with the default setup of the add-on GPS I am using. The great news is that it's now solved, as there is a setting for the XP Reality GTN750 that allows for the GPS to be 'Always On', rather than it being powered from the essential bus Cheers
  2. Ah OK I see ............ logical but annoying Thanks very much for the quick reply
  3. I don't use their plugin. I use the XPUIPC plugin instead, and I have had no problems. EDIT: Found a link for you ............... https://forum.fsairlines.net/viewtopic.php?t=9287 Edit 2 - Link changed to a later version BTW if you do use XPUIPC, once you have copied the plugin into XP11, open the XPUIPC.ini file in a text editor and change your local network IP address from to your actual network IP. In my case that is :- [XPUIPC SETTINGS] Tune value = 00 Server Address =
  4. Hello May I ask why there is power loss to the Essential Avionics DC Bus as each engine starts? It seems a strange behaviour. Where the default GPS 530 seems to be powered from the left avionics switch, which also loses power on engine start and therefore reboots, it does no harm to any pre-entered flight plan. However I now have the Reality XP GTN750 added as a plugin, and used as a pop-up window. The power for this (in the Saab's case) comes from the Essential Avionics DC Bus, and the flight plan is lost when it reboots after each engine start. I realise that I could save the flight plan before engine start, but I'd rather not do that as it will contain runways and procedures which suit this flight only. So my question is not really about the GTN750 and flight plan saving, it's more to with why an essential dc bus is being shedded by an engine start. It seem to be counter-intuitive, and a bit of a misnomer to call the bus essential. It doesn't matter whether you do a GPU start or a battery start Cheers
  5. It works, but I don't like it, as you can select intermediate flap positions rather than the fixed 'notches'. If would be nice if you heard a click as the flap goes into the next notch (up or down). However you tend to get multiple clicking noises and you can't be sure of the flap's position because of those clicks, there's more clicks than there is flap positions. You end up looking at the flap handle anyway, to confirm the lever position, so I ended up going back to a toggle switch on my yoke. Flaps up/down a notch The spare lever on my Logitech quadrant (after mapping the condition levers to one single lever), is now used for landing gear (it was the default fuel mix lever). The bonus of using it for gear, is the I can map what was the fuel cut-off position (below zero) to toggling nose-wheel steering. So it's gear down (the lever's zero detent position), land, get to taxi speed then pull the lever down past the detent to engage nose-wheel steering.
  6. Thank you for that. I happened to read that section of the manual last night in bed. Indeed I embarrassingly was on reduced power and hadn't set the CTOT knob, which also explains the challenging shallow take-off I had leaving Dushanbe (2574' elevation) ........ doh! What's that expression? ....... errrr ...... RTFM! Edit: I tried liking your post, but I am having trouble in both firefox and chrome (chrome worked yesterday) I think it's a mixed content https problem, that I can't seem to fix (yet)
  7. Even as a passenger?
  8. Actually I find the altitude setting knob a little bit awkward now. When you disable the 'scroll wheel manipulator' in the preferences, you are stuck to using 1000's of feet ONLY. My approach plate into Kabul earlier had intermediate altitudes that I couldn't set. I quickly changed it back to allow the scroll wheel, so I could get 100's of feet. As you said earlier in the thread, the scroll wheel is a bit of a pain for large changes in altitude, not horrendous just not ideal. When you try and scroll fast, you often move your mouse a little bit and end up zooming the camera by accident. Personally I would like to see a mouse click (hold) auto-repeat function added to the current manipulator. By that I mean that when you see the curved (scrolling) +/- tooltip (that you can click once to change it +/- 100 ft), if you HOLD the click it auto-repeats and the altitude setting changes rapidly (like click and drag) Loving the aircraft though @ the devs Cheers
  9. Yeah it happened to me about 30 mins ago when landing at Kabul. At an elevation of 5,877 feet, almost fully loaded, full power, full props, and full flaps, I could only just maintain 115kts. I was so happy to get down,, that I forgot about the sensitivity of this aircraft, and pull back too quickly on landing. The aircraft just conked out as I reached a taxiway. :-) The throttle and conditioning levers will take some getting used to. Getting the aircraft to take off power without overcooking it can be a challenge too. The most of the throttle action seems to come in the final third of travel, I would love to see it more evenly spread (from ground idle upwards) throughout the travel range of the lever. I am not so sure that I should be taking this aircraft up to Nepal and Kathmandu as I tour this area of the world (I'll have to check the limitations) ;-)
  10. Click and drag still works on the altitude set knob if you disable 'scroll wheel manipulator' in the preferences. Edit: BTW thanks for implementing the ability to map ONE lever (axis) to control both condition levers (just map it to 'prop' rather than the prop 1 & prop 2 we've had up to now). That also frees up one of my 3 levers for another function like flaps or landing gear perhaps .....
  11. OMG .......... I don't believe it! I genuinely got my eyes re-tested yesterday, but won't get my new intermediate 'computer' glasses for another 13 days. I flipped through menus too quickly, to prove that the scripts work, assuming that the tray would be on by default, without a disable/enable option ..... doh! Thanks very much As Shakespeare once said, "Is that a dagger I see before me?" ....... "Nope, it's a Gizmo menu!"
  12. Hi I just purchased the aircraft today, and haven't flown it yet. I have just had a look around the aircraft. I noticed the I dobn't have the Gizmo side tray menu, even though the scripts are working and appear to have loaded correctly. Initially I thought that it might be due to my 2nd screen, which extends my 1440p main monitor desktop onto a 1080p 2nd monitor. Plugins such as X-Life (not installed right now) still work with a menu on the right of the main screen, even though the 2nd screen is on the right of the main screen. I need that right hand screen for charts and other pieces of software that I normally run alongside X Plane 11 (11.26r2) So I disabled the right hand screen, and all my plugins apart from Gizmo to test the Saab again. As can bee seen in the video below, it still doesn't work. Any ideas please? Thanks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPjLiY8mCOo The aircraft is properly installed and activated. Log.txt GizmoLog.txt DxDiag.txt
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