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Everything posted by Normandee

  1. Hi Just want to find out if Navigraph charts can be intergrated to the SR22 Series, and if so how to go about doing the setup of navigraph charts. Regards Norman Devantier
  2. Hi After installing the latest update the SR22 Series Entegra version 1.0.2 keeps crashing x plane sim completely, I have tried a number of times installing and reinstalling but every time i try load the TorqueSim SR22 Entegra 1.0.2 it crashes completely I have also tried deleting the plane and then reinstalling. The plane was working fine before installing the upgrade Regards Log.txt
  3. Hi Could any one inform me of how to change the QNH in the GF 5 Aircraft Thank you in advance
  4. Hi Sorry for delayed response but i have really being trying to install then reinstall for quite a few days now. The Gismo after a completely reinstall does not even show up in the plugins menu. I have tied the screen off with only one monitor. Still no luck Log.txt
  5. Hi I have done a completely new install of XPlane 11 with Europe scenery installed, no plugins installed. I then installed the TorqueSim SR22 Series Entegra After starting x plane the aircraft loads without showing any errors, but the plane is completely dead. Also have installed RealWeatherConnector AND Skymax Pro I have checked the log file and found something: 0:01:59.668 E/NET: Download failed with http error: 404 for URL http://lookup.x-plane.com/_lookup_11_/weather/wafs/ 0:01:59.780 E/WXR: Download of http://lookup.x-plane.com/_lookup_11_/weather/wafs/ failed with 2:404 (HTTP Error 404 (File Not Found)) at Tue Mar 30 16:58:25 2021 0:01:59.780 E/EXP: WXR_DOWNLOAD_FAIL: Download of http://lookup.x-plane.com/_lookup_11_/weather/wafs/ failed with 2:404 (HTTP Error 404 (File Not Found)) at Tue Mar 30 16:58:25 2021 2021-03-30 17:58:26 SR22[Main.cpp:750]: #=#=#=#=#=#=#= [PLUGIN NOT ACTIVATED] =#=#=#=#=#=#=# I do not receive or see any activation screen pop up. I have a thee screen setup and do check each screen to check if they are not minimized. Please your suggestions and help if this has happened to you in the past please let me know how to correct this problem. I have spent the last four days trying to sort out Regards' Log.txt Log.txt
  6. No i have no idea of it until you mention it
  7. No Never heard of it
  8. Hi After loading The SR22 Series Entegra. I receive the message as showing in the attached image. I have also attached the logfile for checking. Had the plane 8 hours now and still have not flowed it yet. Your suggestions' will be appreciated. Regards Log.txt
  9. Hi All Is there anyone that has integrated the G5 into the airfoils lab KingAir aircraft successfully, I have tried but not successfully, Any information on this plugin is much appreciated. Norman
  10. Hi Sorry for delayed response. Thank you. as usual your correct again. Regards Norman
  11. Hi Thankyou for your reply I have attached my logfile for you to check. I have done clean installs of the Cessna 172 install the G5 but still the display is offset to the right. Your help is much appreciated Regard Norman Log.txt
  12. Hi all Does any one know why my AFMG5 instrument's don't power up. The Plane is running all the other instruments work fine, But unable to get them to power up. your SURGESTIONS ARE MUCH APPRICIATED. Regards Norma
  13. Hi all Is any one having the problem or had the problem of the g5 windows miss aligned in the Cessna 172. I have attached a screen shot of what i mean. Any suggestion's are most welcome. Thank you in advance Norman
  14. Hi Does any one have the problem of skymaxpro weather freezing x plane for about 15 second's and then it unfreezes. I have to keep turning the plugin off to have an uninterrupted flight and makes flying difficult as i might be changing my altitude then all of a sudden it freezes. Any suggestion's and help would be welcome. Thank You
  15. Hi all Thank you all for your suggestions' I have uninstalled the tbm then reinstalled the plane. this has corrected what ever was causing the problem, maybe there was a corrupt installation of the plane, I say this because i have 2 different installation's of x plane and had no problems with the tbm in the other installation. Ounce again thank you all for your help
  16. Hi all I am having a problem with the rudder, My plane swings from left to right when i use the rudder pedals, i have noticed that the front wheel also turns, i don't know if there is a control wheel steering option for the TBM ? but IT IS ANOYING THAT THE COCKPIT VIEW KEEPS TURNING LEFT AND RIGHT WHEN I TRY THE RUDDER FOR THE CHECK OF THE FLIGHT CONTROLS. Any suggestions' are much appreciated. Thank you in advance
  17. Hi All This s just a question Is the auto router charts app still available in the tbm 900 as i don't see it in the menus any more. Thank You in advance for your reply
  18. Hi I am attaching the logfile for the TorqueSim SR22 I'm doing this so that the developers can read it. The reason is i have noticed that when I'm in the cockpit setting a flight up, the plane works well, then i select a external view this is when i receive the screen capture message which i will attach as well. hope this might be of some help. Regards Log.txt
  19. I still keep receiving this message now and again which i will attach, I don't know what it means but maybe the programmer's Wii
  20. Thank you it worked fine, and hope you are able to beat this bug. Thank you
  21. Hi All Is this aircraft Vulcan compatible I can use the aircraft in Standard mode, but when i try load it with Vulcan activated it crashes x plane, Then i load it with Vulcan deactivated it runs sweetly . Just wondering if this is wrong or correct. I was under the impression it could run in Vulcan. Some thought's and problem solving suggestion's are much appreciated. Thanks in advance
  22. I was wondering if the rudder pedals are correct, but being a small aircraft should it not have a control wheel steer function instead to the small wheel in front of the plane , or if it does i am unable to find anything about it in the documents. Any suggestion's anybody please and thank you in advance Regards To all
  23. Hi Yesterday i was flying the TBM900 WITHOUT any problems, But today i keep receiving this error message then x plane freezers and then shuts down x plane 11 I have not installed any extra add-ons what so ever I am attaching log files and graphic for checking Your help would be much appreciated Regards TBM900_Log.txt Log.txt
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