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Everything posted by sigoo

  1. This is fantastic that somebody as talented as Indi is working on this... I've been bugging Austin for ages to implement exactly this feature in X-Plane, he thought it was a good idea, but it was obvious he didn't think it was a priority. It is something that is very badly needed. These days although I have saitek x52 and yoke, I just use the joystick all the time because I can't be bothered to go through the hassle of swapping profiles around.... looks like that won't last too much longer re: the existing force feed back plugin... it worked fine with my old logitech wingman, but I found it only really give stick shake on the ground, but was not very good at emulating control surface feedback while in the air, so in the end i stopped using it as the ground stick shaking became annoying after a while.
  2. This has amazing potential. Can't wait to try it out.
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