The plan sounds good indeed, and I can imagine how hard this must be for you to configure(the marketing balance). I would indeed support such a system, but don't let it bother you too much. Some of my friends, and me of course, are what you refer to as sim enthusiasts, and while we aren't really loaded with infinite heaps of cash, none of us would have a problem paying for P.E. I pay for a few services that I shouldn't even be trying to fit into my budget. So don't worry too much about that, but explore this idea further definitely! At this moment, as stated in my previous post, our(friends and my) hesistance stems mostly from the 'alienation' factor of time zones and cultural divide, and that's not your fault or problem, but something we must overcome on this side. Heck. we have been pondering flying in S.A using PE, even if there is no ATC coverage, the other advantages (fast updates, radio attenuation, etc) is worth it already. I wish you luck in this difficult time, but I think PE will make it to the top eventually.