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  1. No problem, to provide more clarification I removed reshade prior to installing the TBM but I did not delete the dxgi files.
  2. Was able to trace issue down to reshade which wasn't fully uninstalled.
  3. Wrong thread?
  4. I removed all plugins and I am still facing the same issue.. Log.txt TBM900_Log.txt
  5. So I went and deleted the files and the aircraft reloaded properly, however, after some time (maybe 15min) I get a CTD when using the malibu. I've since removed the FlyWithLua, and the xsaitekpanel plugin with the same results. Furthermore, even when I disable aircraft restore I still get this popup. Would these errors have anything to do with the problem? I updated X-planes airac with Navigraph's FMS Data Manager. 2019-04-02 08:45:38 TBM900[navaiddb.c:512]: Error parsing D:\Games\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11\\Custom Scenery\Global Airports\Earth nav data\earth_nav.dat: malformed data on line 6386 Log.txt TBM900_Log.txt
  6. I removed all scripts and I also have my entire x-plane directory ignored by my antivirus. I also uninstalled the aircraft and manually deleted the X-Aviation folder. It appears after all of that I still get the aircraft state popup and x-plane just crashes when I choose an option. Is there any way to just purge the file that holds the aircraft states? TBM900_Log.txt Log.txt
  7. Sorry about that, here you go. Log.txt TBM900_Log.txt
  8. Here you go Log.txt
  9. Hello, I just purchased this aircraft and received a CTD during cruise of my maiden fight. Now, I have a repeating CTD when selecting yes OR no when asked if I would like to recover aircraft state. Even with attempting to create a new aircraft with the restore option disabled I still receive a CTD and the aircraft is not saved. TBM900_Log.txt
  10. Thank you daemotron, I was able to trace further, specifically to the Avanced Rendering Options plugin which manipulates xEnviro (in which way idk). I was able to resolve this when disabling the plugin.
  11. Agreed, i'm currently on the latest public steam beta, I'm going to revert back to a release candidate to see if that clears anything up.
  12. Hey Litjan, I discovered the issue is xEnviro. The problem went away as soon as I disabled it. No individual change in the xEnviro settings made a difference. Currently running xEnviro 1.07, and Nvidia drivers from 1/29 (I was getting issues with most recent).
  13. The stickers are above "West" in middle picture and the "A" in America coming from the engines. Sorry for not circling the problem.
  14. I just purchased the IXEG yesterday and I couldn't help but notice issues with the cockpit textures and stickers on the engines showing through the fuselage, I've seen this issue in multiple liveries. Is there a fix for this?
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