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Everything posted by KAPTEJNLN



    Well i just want to see how many that would like this A/T working, like it did in version 1.0 even it wasen´t ment, for the best plane for X-plane so far, whit Navigraph support and so many things that makes it more compleat then some of the other add-ons for x-plane + its a nice aircraft type. As a point of view as developer i just mean that an funktion as a/t worked whit out problems in version 1.0, and is a shame we have to stay whit the buggy version 1.00 to continue. as the A/T is a important thing in real aviation to fly more constand and economic. and very usefull here in scandinavia whit strong winds on approaches and ECT whit realisem fully on. (AS note: would say it is easyer to land the real plane than this whit out A/T as i tryeid the real ATR sim in strong wind whit change in wind direction. Yes there is a difference on the CRJ and ATR but both are the smaller types but ATR also dosent have the A/T but easyer to control the speed then in X-plane under windy conditions like gustwind andso on) As the fuel prices today are very high so as company they save where they can. Just to give an ex why is it planes use step climb? because by doeing so on 1 year depending on the amount of planes, they can save as much fuel that would be spend on a flight from EUR to USA on a fully loaded 747
  2. bey bey hope you enjoy your money no more from me. Im done whit your plane first the load funktion, then the laggy registration and files not working, x-plane stops resonding on loading why should i support that ? just a small thing that worked but was destroid. So many things that destroid the feeling of a good changes to X-plane
  3. yep it can be ADDED to the CRJ if you own 1 or you could get it in the new aircraft for extra cost
  4. here you go. about manage a few percent of N1 on any phase of flight, well whit real waether online you have to make big corection some times. and when you have to be gone a litlle while on the longer flights, as i don´t have a co pilot to monitor, or fuel would be saved by correct action, a bit why it is being instaled in the real world as i could see from reports :-) have attached a picture if any want to try them self that im right.
  5. just wait and see have recorded, im starting publishing soon. think it mabee is the default A/T there got access
  6. NO! it isent the speed mode as the button was never pressed. so plz don´t say that. now i gona create a video and you all gona see how it controls speed in level flight which speed mode isent built for.
  7. It is there els i would say so, and you don´t belive me. but i can tell you that the only thing you had to do is sign a button to autothrottle dont remember the exsact name here. when airborne you press theap and A/T buttonthen it flyes after the speed you select on the AP. why do you think i diden´t say.
  8. Do you mean version 1.0, it was but some one must have told how to engage, as its seems to be removed by a/some lines in the programing.


    arr... you have removed Auto throttle in version 1.1. I miss that, as it´s good for long flights when a bit AFK and windy conditions to save fuel. as far as i remember some one say it is because it isen´t instaled in the real one, but im not so sure about that because Bombardier and the develop company. have been writing of FAA certification. I also have a link to the developer company: http://www.safeflight.com/mmain.php?px=1&cm=2&cs=20 so remove the A/T in version 1.1 is not good ( i know it isent sure it worked 100% but so far i used it in version 1.0 it worked fair)
  10. i miss the old mærsk livery, have tryeid to paint but its not easy, as i have some problems to keep the same colur as seen on the picture
  11. well now it is online, hope you would like it.. but its my first painting of an plane. link: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=13713
  12. yes i gave it another try whit out warnings. a grate tool for free
  13. I have good news to people looking for a cimber, as i have been working whit it today and hope im done tomorow. just 1 thing any there knows what the colur is on the sec line the firs is red but is it black or green the other ? UPDATE now i have repainted the winglets. just waiting for the right colur of the stripe
  14. well maybe false alarm. or a hacker attack, but tryeid again as i trused you, have scaned the files and diden´t finde any thing whit the virus program. so thanks hope i could get used to it but looks a bit like photoshop.
  15. it was also the page i was on until i start download then the virus protection started to alert me
  16. thanks for a link to an virus page whit unwanted things virus programe alertet me
  17. well isen´t there any that could upload the files from the CRJ Paint Templates in png format like the other files, as i cant open that file format as i don´t have around 1100 EUR to buy photoshop.
  18. Instaled whit out problems but cant active.. tired of all this scecurity it always makes bigger problems than good is.. the version 1.0 activation worked to.. the past years have been a mess whit all this scecurity.. we scecure but sooner or later they finde a way throu. first try it crashed x-plane, scecond time it loads but could activate.. what is the next, this starts to be like FSX whit so many slowing bugs caused by scecurity
  19. well whit Winrar it could be un-ziped. but i dis like downloading other programs just to do a simple thing where the default tools is good enough as there was no problems at version 1.0
  20. well it now get throu that error we saw yesteday but after a split sec came whit a new error.. see picture 1 and picture 2 is from the emty files thats still exsist and seem to mabee be why i cant un-zip the files as you should. As that could mabee give that problems we see, as that hapens to other files some times when not un-zip.
  21. about: even I believe just choosing again the point between the selection is not a big task Well no, but what should i then use a load funktion for ? as it aske at the first waypoint after a selection. and thats real yes, but that cause the route to stop at that point (known bug so could only select VOR as lsk 1 dont work) so you have to enter all data again. insted of then just load the rest of the route as if it just know this waypoint it would fly the rest of the route, whit out asking as it reads from the other libary as far as i can see. becaus funny enough when it is just on route it dont care about asking about the for the rest of the mulitply waypoints. they should then also be confimed but dosent. about: on same airway would be ok, but still it is there the 1% that can make flight have an accident. well thats not true for this part as there is big restrction in airways and waypoint data so you would find any points any waypoint / navaid whit same names in same link.
  22. Yep have also tryeid it if it gets to close caused by wind. A hint try to keep the speed 10 to 15 kt below overspeed then you would se that it follows your comand
  23. I know all about how IT working in real world. I am just sayeing that you are using a funktion about saving and loading the flightplan, that can´t be used to anything when it cant load the route i actuly saved where i already selected what nav aid, before it was saved.
  24. HELLO dpny, well i dont know what you mean? If it is because it dosent show the NAV FRQ right that is a known bug, or if it is because it ask about a waypoint by manualy insert (or loading a flightplan) have a look here: http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php?topic=2186.0
  25. It sound like you don´t care about the problem, and solve it. As said All data is provided from navigraph in more than 1 libary 1 for inroute and 1 there knows VOR, NDB and ILS 1 for fix points and 1 for SID and STAR. The only missing thing is the data in the ICAO file, thats tells if it is an NDB or VOR it should use. Or mabee if it just read the inroute when loading an flightplan it would know it is the VOR and the location. As i have cross check the files. so no need to pick the nearest. as this isent the case: FMS cannot "guess" wether it should take an NDB or VOR (or any of the VORs if there are more with the same name) As the funny thing is i can just pick the waypoint after the VOR and then it compleats the route WHY simply becaus it now go have a look in the inroute libary where it reeds the airways and which Navaid is included in the airways. Thats why if i just go to the next VOR and exclude the the first part it then start asking about that insted as it have 2 VOR as far as i remember as told 2 days ago where i delt the vor for GZO. So the problem would continue every time there are more than 1 navaid for the first way point. very iritating Best regards LN
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