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Everything posted by KAPTEJNLN

  1. well to understand the logic behind the problem is it´s not that much about where the data is stored and such.. As in fact all developers could agree on creating a given folder anywhere for all add-ons you pay for. That would be smart and easy as you then would only need 1 spot to update all add-ons.. The reason why you would do that rather then selecting the GNS430 is that X-plane is in constant development, it can be good and bad.. The good thing is that improvements can be done, the bad is from a developers perspective as things may brake along the road, and have already caused developers headache, as they have to constant work on it when things are edited. That is the same for P3D at the moment... Where good old FSX is solid no new updates for the boxed version and developers found ways around the problems by the simulator but don´t need to fear a update in the future, so time is better invested that way.. So in fact no one know if Laminar would move in another direction at some point and skip GNS430 again and create other stuff, then all developers that may have used this style could be forced to reconsider what to to next. Another thing I learned about the data for X-Plane is that now some of you might know I am testing stuff for different company´s mostly FSX and a few X-Plane projects. What I found lately was the limitation of X-Plane own handling of flight plan´s.. As you would know even X-plane uses GNS430, it only use in case of the FMS the procedures from there GNS430 but all other data is given from another location by 2 files to keep it short I don´t mention where they are and all that stuff. So in fact it uses 2 reference points and no one knows if they start edit that at a point and why I stated as above it´s mostly safe to pick your own location to prevent that to become a problem over time.. And that it uses those 2 reference points you will see lots of problems if you run whit out updating data in fact X-plane right out of the box uses 2 different AIRAC that is over 1 year between them. I cant mention any info about project and such ofcause as tester but there was coded a lot to make the plane select the best point but it was not good, ofcause you would notice it that much, but again why I also say keep things seperately. And yes the data is all in the GNS430 but right out of the box not used directly by the FMS not sure for the GPS.. it is not the same as in this case you walk away from the default FMS system but I think gives a good explanation why things are not that logical as it might seems to the end user as there are many aspects. Then we come to the main point that is more relevant for this project is how data is given if you study the many add-ons out there and the data provided from Lufthansa Lido and Navigraph there are much difference in how the data is given some add-ons have more data it can use for procedures other it is not there but that´s a bit to technical to talk about even I learned from the different codes and such. That´s why not all uses the same data as it depends on there need for there given product. It is correct that for X-plane it seems more add-on developers use the same data then in the past of FSX.. but I would stop now as else it would be to long
  2. eh yes but that´s not the point, as I was refering to 1 that just got a 1 year by Navigraph thats the point, I have to pay 2 providers for 1 year as a maximum of cause.. As Navigraph is not gona give me a refund just because I find I want to fly this plane and they may not support it.. I guess that´s what the most are talking about here.. Then there are those that feel they stay to Navigraph because they get it at a lower price when they combine FMS data and charts.. as you get discound by combining those. So in the end by selecting aerosoft NavDataPro that is 3 eur more expensive then Navigraph and have to pay extra for a chart Subscription as it´s not part of a bundle.. it gets more expensive in all ways in the long run as well.. Yes aerosoft and Navigraph support´s the same / close to, but it was not the main point..
  3. You can get charts for EU if you go to eurocontrol but it´s the official charts so they are different from country to country, so they are not the same standard as Lido charts or any other that provide it for simulator or real use. but is what the charts from Lufthansa Lido and Jeppesen charts are based on, just they provide in a standard format as far as I know.. But I also hope for both Navigraph and Aerosoft support, as some have one of them and a bit sad if the user is forced to select something els just for 1 plane especially if you just started on a 1 year, before you see this..
  4. well i like the new avionic but i have to admit the evenig flight whit the gauges that ligh up it looks so nice. but im also a big fan of the 800 winglets version. not for v-nav as i use it some times but in general also like to manualy adjust to get a bit more work :-)
  5. yep indeed it look´s grate i just hope we could get a Jet time Livery that could make me very happy, as here there is only a few of the 300 left.. Jet time has 14 planes in the fleed 7 model 300, 1 of 400 and 7 model 700 so they have a lot of this old lady. compared to there size
  6. Well sorry my late reply, been bussy with other work for other companys.. it was the following 2 things i refered to: 1) Behaviur of elevator and rudder axis during the turbulence. that makes it act as shown in the video.. 2) the turbulence it self. I found what caused number 1 and it could be tracked to "fraction deflection" programed in to the plane (plane maker). to not edit your work i created a lua to stop the sim by directly send new input to stop it. 2) was a bit off topic here i just mentioned as i know some are watching for it. how ever it only worked limited so no fix.. have to see if laminar would do something like they said they would look in to it.. end of storry. So the main point here is the rudder and elervation behaviur..
  7. Thanks for the info (awenser Tom Kyler) and the pictures looks grate.. and i feel a bit sorry i some how got the forum running like that. Best regards L.N.
  8. looks grate guys.. im not asking for a releasedate as i know as developer and beta tester it´s never good, but do you think it´s gona be this year or next we gona fly it.. i havent followe that much so sorry if awensered BEST L.N.
  9. well as far as: modifications will not be tolerated or supported. it´s no modification i actualy send a data ref to the x-plane sim not interfering whit your work.. thats what i said.. and yes it was a desussion about the behaviur, im not posting any modifications or what ever it might be about the plane i located some stuff. now im working on a way to cumunicate whit x-plane about limiting turbulence and stop the side effect on the ground, but still find it hard to belive a plane should act that way even i haven been flyeing that model i just know that the controls of the plane caused by this input seems strange. as even that input is off the turbulence affect the plane much..
  10. Ok i got back to the released files and tryeid again and it´s the "fraction deflection" that caused it.. how ever i found a dataref code to the lua plugin and that way forced the sim to stop it insted of touching your files happy now? I hope i can find the direct way to only stop those 2 varables as whit the code i found it might be like when i edit the plane files in plane maker. all variables to 0 but works hope i can release a lua file sometime in the future that stops this effect if not corected and limit the turbulence then i think a lot would be happy whit x-plane 10.. and the Saab
  11. Eh i provide as much info as posible, at any surconstances to spot a problem i find strang, as no mater how you put it turbulence does not affect a plane on the ground could we agree here? like it is strange it affect the controls at all. in this demo i only used turbulence. how ever i havent published any data only a picture that literaly has nothing whit the plane. If we arent allowed to high light stuff i find quite strange.. Im the guy that try to analyse as much as posible to give awenser as well to the discovery so perhaps guys like you can add your experince in this as it could be i show something you wasent arare of or other options. how ever modify a plane and then want support yep right i made a edit and can´t think i can get support for that but i say i was not using the default data. i came whit a solution i never said it was the right.. Best regards L.N.
  12. This effect was shown whit eng of yes, however you see this effect all the time even in the air aswel.. I think you find it quite complicatet to control a plane that dosent respond to your input, when this happens and dependig on the turbulence the intencity. i can´t say if it´s caused by force feedback as i talked with Laminar support and he mentioned some thing about force feed back, when i showed him the video..
  13. hello again, since yesterday i investegated some odd behavius during turbulence. and no i dont touch the controls it´s the turbulence it self, also sounds wrong turbulence on the ground. The plane moves the elevator and rudder during some surcomstances i cant tell why els then as show in my video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74OE_k59OZ4 first i think it was x-plane it self but then i had a conversation whit the support at Laminar and he said i should incrase the CG by 20% in the plane maker that dosent sound right to compensate for that.. and some thing about the axis but ther wre all to the left as if set to the right it would do this effect normaly more or less.. then i had a look in the plane maker and hld it up agains another plane that dident have that problem as first i think it would affect all the plane as i have seen that in the past whit other planes but gave it a try.. so i comparied it whit the ATR from aerosoft. and edit as shown on the picture and the problem was solved.. The control surfes do no longer move all by them self Afterwards i got a Lua programig that limits the turbulence to 0.8 (stil testing but seems promesing) as i have been like some other users iritated by the unrealistic weather out put from realworld weather. laminar would do anything even most would say it can be unrealistic.. yes it´s trick to fly in real life but not like here and yes i have been flyeing real life.
  14. Yes i can confim it works UFMC whit in some limits, in combination whit the Goflight device but i would not recomend it.. as it´s far from easy to operate as there might be some glitches only i can use as i have the goflight device.. how ever i hope it stays that way.. as it´s a glitch i don´t want to talk about like the CRJ 200 where A/T was working and after a patch was removed.. so guys dont run out buy UFMC just to find it´s not working as you expect i can live whit it. but if you got it try it.. but its far from perfect but it was never designed to run in combination.. keep that in mind.. it´s the b model that has the FMS if i understod that right as i have seen.
  15. Hello there. I got this bird yesterday and i found some stuff here and there.. first of all im happy my Goflight MCP works limited and thanks for what works as thats not always good but the hdg, alt and vs works right out of the boxs.. How ever the radios like other have noticed is a bit sad.. to go futher i had whished the g flight device had worked here as it´s some of the reason i have hardware to changse frq and such in a hurry where adjusting in the plane can be harder then whit hardware.. A thing i noticed that is a bit iritating is the sound is not saved so we every time have to adjust the vol.. A small note to the auto start funktion that makes me wounder why dosent it turn on the beacon light as i have seen if you manualy turn things on and only want it to stat the eng properly it resets all.. so that might awenser why not manualy turn it on. I also noticed some wired colurs on the plane when the sun is goeing down (blue of the windows from the outside, perhaps a limit but i would notice it here as well) it´s a few things i have noticed and hope could be solved some how.. But els a nice bird except from a missing fms and 32 bit version hehe :-) Thanks for it, keep goeing whit the good work..
  16. well as developer and beta tester i want to leave a coment about the time frame said here, is normaly the info only betatesters get. and i know like many others that have been beta tester how things can take time some times you would think now it´s ready to release and it took some time, often longer then expected and wanted. then comes the part where it get haded to the guys whit installer and all that, and yes ofcause it depends on company some have much to do all the time and stuff gets in to the waiting line. of cause it´s a mattor of keeping all busy. i know as already stated it´s some new stuff they do and we all know extra time is required.. i guess it´s the fewest that had succes whit there first job where they had to improve / studdy beside to get it right. no matter how we put it there is so many steps during the work flow and i only showed it limited as this would be a long storry to cover i only say there are many steps from start to stop and many things can affect the progress along the way. as all developers have to have something to work whit at all time. often why we se new aircrafts and feel it takes for ever from the first outside model, but it´s a work flow the modeler of the external have to work on.. as the programing stuff is more complex then the outside of cause it´s not peace of cake but coding is hard core stuff i know very little about !
  17. let´s take it easy.. and dont get the expectations to high so we would get a bit sad if something happens un expected again
  18. dam "more eyecandy, less depth" i could diss agree more.. if X-plane should be a sucees we need some good planes and not only good looking stuff, it´s flyeing it depends on more then most eyecandy.. sorry but it´s how i feel
  19. a nice MD 80 series or 737 would be nice
  20. well first of april depends on location but it´s to close to be true, but defenetly sad if it´s true
  21. well i was a bit diserpointed to find that com 1 nav 1 and SQ code cant be set whit goflight device i can only set the QNH.. as well as the altitude bug is the only thing that dosent work of the mcp pro.. i know i still use the buttons in the plane but i also fly online and its easyer in a hurry to use hardware for numbes then frome the plane.. hope ther could be a solution.. i tryeid as well by selecting buttons in the x-plane to try se if that would work but dident.. also i noticed a wired thing about com1 as when you adjust it inside the plane 3 rotation buttons are rotating the button number 3 can´t be used only rotates when you rotate the button for the com1
  22. Well hello i was tryeing to find a way to get less sensetive controls and think it was in settings but found it was in the artifical stab constants. so my qustion is can some one provide some settings information, so it could be set to meat some control interface that would feel like the real plane. as its always hard to tweak when you have tryeid to fly a jet plane in the real world, but some prop. hope some one could provide some settings, and yes it depends on the hardware but general it could be set as close as posible..
  23. You are Right woweezowee also wasent ment to be talk. as it is a poll
  24. about: The real CRJ doesn't offer an Auto Throttle, so it would make no sense to put an auto throttle in it. It exsist in the real 1 as extra cost, how many link should i show to prove it, have a look here as that is from the company that provide the system: http://www.safeflight.com/mmain.php?px=1&cm=2&cs=20 and click on the CRJ200 you see. and even able to get your new plane delivered whit it as extra cost.
  25. well i know i am prity much into how the things work about step climb. it was an EX as stated must say i am a bit anoyeid like PMDG when every word is analysed. and as said i know how to control the plane have been in simulators + flyeing real plane. thats why i say by comparing those data, that at some stage is hard to maintain the ILS whit some windy conditions when online. must say i like to control engine manualy but when the speed indicator jumps up and down it is quit hard to keep the right approach speed, as it is not the same you experince in the real deal. But i dont say it have any to do whit the plane more the X-plane sim it self in some way the speed indicator works more real in x-plane than FSX but still. And again some CRJ200 have A/T but it is extra cost, even for a new 1. and futher more back in 2000 i found that a new sim could include A/t.
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