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Everything posted by davidngr

  1. Many thanx for all Thiengo:-) You re gresat
  2. Does the real FMC have the Descent point calculation?Or shall we compute it manually?
  3. I have the same problem, but to be honest but I am able to fly the CRJ properly!
  4. give me your e mail and I will send it to u
  5. Great job Philip you re great!!!!
  6. I can't find it...
  7. Great job my friend!
  8. Just to let you know that I was able to solve this mystery by having the localizer frequency both tuned to nav1 and nav2 radios as suggested by Javier; when the problem had occurred again I used the XFR button to switch the frequency to Nav 2 and it worked......
  9. just to know whether this small bug was fixed in the version 1.3 Thanx Davide
  10. davidngr


    Is it a question of budget or simply due to a lack of time?Do you think you will restart working on it?
  11. Amazing job....Speechless again....
  12. Why does it lead to depressurize the cabin?
  13. Ok I will try this and let you know. BTW your aircraft is amazing and I love flying it. I am so crazy that I have purchased the real CR200 manual from Bombardier and I am just studying it:-) Thanx for all:-) Thanx a lot
  14. Yes exactly! I was trying to capture the localizer! Nav1 was set to 110.30 and the AP was engaged. After reaching a good intercept angle, I pushed the APP button, but nothing happened, no loc intercepted. I will try to do as suggested to see what happens as soon as the problem occurs again. Just a question: when both nav 1 and nav2 are tuned to the same ILS frequency, should I switch from nav 1 to nav 2 or just stay tuned to nav1? Thanx again Davide
  15. Many thanx Javier for your quick reply! The thing is that i was trying to intercept the localizer, not the VOR.In fact, Nav 1 was set to the Alicante ILS frequency (110.30) as you can also see at the end of my video on the FMS. Anyway, thanx for your help and support. Hope to hear from you asap Davide
  16. Hi all! Sorry to bother you again. I was able to upload a video while approaching alicante ryw 10. You will note that the aircraft is not able to intercept the loc with APP engaged even though the intercept angle is correct... So hope you can better understand this issue..Hope to hear from you asap
  17. Amazing...Speechless
  18. I am not using any converted scenery. I have Proflight Saitek Pedal and and x-ciborg as yoke... Many thanx for all Davide
  19. Now I am doing touch and go procedure to better practice my landing training! So it is more likely to experience this problem while doing that kind of training procedure. I know it is hard to replicate this type of failure, but believe me Javier I am a pilot with a decent experience on flight and it has really happened. Try it out when you get time by doing the same training (maybe in alicante) and let me know if you happen to experience it. But I am quite sure that the problem exists! Thanx for your kind support:-) Davide
  20. The airport is Alicante rwy 10, but the problem is not the procedure though, ( the first attempt to land was successful with the same parameters as the second failed attempt) but the strange behavior of the aircraft and above all of AP with APP engaged. Again apart from the correct procedure or not to be followed, how is it possible that an aircraft, as mentioned before, can intercept the localizer (Loc Green), after executing missed approach, while being downwind? This couldn't happen and this is the strange behavior I am not able to explain and this is why I think there are some problems with it. Of course, I know that my pictures are not clear enough to help you out to better understand what is going on but what I am trying to stress is the fact that there is something going wrong with AP, otherwise I won't make a fuss ! Davide
  21. Dear woweezowee it is not a question of being too slow or too high. First of all I perfectly know how to intercept a localizer and the glide slope (also manually), and consequently there is no need to to toggle a visual ILS aid since the problem now is quite different. As said above, the AP seems to be faulty and not working properly: I will to try better explain again why (sorry for my not fluent english): I was practicing some touch and go, being able to land successfully with no problem intercepting the loc with APP engaged. But when it came to intercepting the loc during my second attempt, I experimented the following issue: as you can see in the first picture, I have the same intercept angle used to capture the loc during my first attempt, and the aircraft is also the same distance away from the airport: so what happened? The AP ( and i don't why: same intercept angle, same distance as the first attempt) does not intercept the loc, which does not turn into green, and consequently I am forced to execute missed approach. But now a new stranger thing and behavior happened: after executing missed approach and turning downwind with APP engaged, my aircraft strangely intercepted the loc (turned into green now) in a position where it was impossible to capture it (pict 2 and three). And after intercepting it, ( I m now 10 nm from the airport downwind) the aircraft starts turning in order to center the runway. Unfortunately this did not happen ( as u you can see in the pict number three) and after a third unsuccessful attempt I decided to land manually. But my questions are the following: why did not the AP intercept the loc having ( I say it again) the same intercept angle, same distance as the first successful attempt? Why did the aircraft, then, strangely intercept the loc in a position (downwind) where it was impossible to capture it? I hope to have explained better my problem now. So that's why I think there are some problems with it. Hope to hear from you as soon as possible Davide
  22. It is not a question of angle: The problem is that in the first time the angle was 15 degrees or less and the Loc was not intercepted at all. (First picture, as you can see there Loc does not turn into green: why? It should have not occurred) In the second time, I was not in the condition to intercept the loc since the angle was more than 90 degrees, but the loc was strangely captured ( pictures second and third. I don't know how), causing the aircraft to go off course and not to center the runway. Davide
  23. Hi Philipp and all! Unfortunately yesterday I experimented the same problem and I am pretty sure that I did not press any XFR button. I think there are some problems with the APP button. Again while I was doing some touch and go's, after a successful attempt to intercept the localizer with a good landing, the problem occurred again. The first time, the aircraft did not intercept the loc at all and I was forced to execute missed approach. During my second attempt, the aircraft intercepted the localize far too in advance causing the airplane to go off course.... Here some screenshots that describe what I have just mentioned above. I think you may way want to look at it, because even though it doesn't happen often (luckily), this problem is a little bit frustrating... Thanx in advance for all... Ps: I am in Alicante
  24. I know this. Just to know whether that could be further proof in order to assess our landing, as it is reported in the manual: “Thrust reversers have activated when touch down (you have to do a nice landing to autodeploy the reversers. It can happen, that if you make a hard landing, reverser don’t activate".
  25. So if they are triggered automatically, it means that it was not a soft landing?:-))? Thanx Davide
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