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About HeartofDavid

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Found it! I accidently hit the ADG control. Did not know what that was! #alwayslearning
  2. Very Funny... ha ha But for real?
  3. I started flying and went to the outside view and saw this weird fan type thing and oen compartment. I am in 1.7.1 and XP11. I am at a loss! ha ha
  4. Ok.. so you're saying the only way to control the prop rpm is via mouse? That's fine as long as that's the way it's intended to work. However, in a tutorial video the person demo'ing said he was using a joystick input and you could tell it was conflicting with his mouse input. :-)
  5. Ok.. I am a little frustrated. :-/ I figured out all the control lock issues. My remaining issue is that no matter what I do, my RPM/prop control no longer works. I have tried assigning it to a switch, an axis and nothing changes. I have to use the mouse to make it work which is obviously not a good solution. When I go to assign it in the joystick assignment, it let's me select but than just defaults to "nothing". I just don't understand why this has to be so complicated. Using 32 bit. Any help would be greatly appreciated! :-)
  6. hmm.. I tried the XP 1900D and no issues. Both sides work. I tried another DC-3 I bought and it works no problem. On the Jsim Q400.. same icing issue with left working and right not. Carenado 208 same icing issue. This seems to affect aircraft that were designed before v10. Would I be correct in assuming this? :-)
  7. Anything yet? I haven't been able to use this aircraft yet as I fly up in Yellowknife and there has been constant snow for the past 2 weeks. ha ha.. Really would like to put this bird to work. :-)
  8. Is there any fix for this icing issue? I couldn't figure out the problem as I crashed 3 times in flight and figured out the same issue. Icing only works on the left. Will this be fixed?
  9. I am not sure what I am doing wrong but no matter what I seem to do, I can't get the Heading bug to change. When I change it, it just goes back to 359. I'm using XP 9.7 I also have the same problem with VS. When I select the VS in the autopilot.. and try to change it, it just resets back to 0.0. What in the world am I doing wrong?
  10. I give up... ha ha.. The CRJ was my only hope of staying with X-Plane instead of FSX. I LOVE the CRJ and it works great without XPUIPC. Doesn't matter what I seem to do, if XPUIPC is running it crashes. Doesn't matter if other plug-ins are running or not. Here is my latest crash log. It only has one entry... I also inlcluded the log too. :-) Hopefully at some point this gets fixed.... In the meantime... Back to FSX.. as much as it pains me! ha ha *Update - Not that I can read logs.. but it would seem like there is something going on with the XPLM.dll file. It seems like the log is looking for a key and is not getting it. However, this would not seem to point to XPUIPC not working which is the only time it crashes. crash_log.txt Log.txt
  11. Yea... when I take out the XPUIPC.xpl it works fine. I'm trying to use Air Hauler with this and is the main reason I bought the CRJ. This seems to be the issue which I thought was corrected. :-) ** I am using "windowed" mode. I am also using Windows 7 64 bit. UPDATE: This last time I managed to get Air Hauler and the CRJ to work for full engine startup but as soon as I went to use the FMS it crashed. Could be a coincidence. I attached the latest crash log and X-Plane log. crash_log.txt Log.txt
  12. I have the same issue. Crashes to desktop after about 2 - 3 mins. Attached the crashlog.txt crash_log.txt
  13. So by weekend you mean Monday right? ha ha... Because it's almost that time. :-)
  14. I'd just like to be able to use Air Hauler again with my CRJ. :-)
  15. Thanks Phillip! You are doing an amazing job handling all the requests and customer support! Thanks for not allowing discouragement to keep you from making an awesome product even better! I really enjoyed the flight I took with it last night. :-)
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