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Everything posted by Scout98

  1. Sorry Cameron. Just saw thats a permisson issue. My bad
  2. Sorry to tell you Cameron, but it's acting a little fishy now. Starts fine, but as soon as I engage the throttles the two instrument displays in front of the pilot (and co-pilot) along with the fmc goes blank. Really weird.
  3. Cameron, That worked. Any ideas why? The prospect of reinstalling X-plane is kind of annoying, but whatever. Let me know if there is a way around it. Thanks for your help.
  4. Sorry guys, still crashing. Gizmo plugin installed. Updated from 1.1 to hotfix. See attached logs. crash_log.txt Log.txt
  5. Phillip, do I need to contact him or post on another thread?
  6. Hi Guys, Still Crashing. I installed 1.1 which was giving me the crash. I never went back to 1.0. Haven't flown it since. The only plugin I have is Xsquawkbox. I have attached the x-plane log and crash log. Thanks. crash_log.txt Log.txt
  7. Still Crashing for me. Crash log attached crash_log.txt
  8. Crash Log attached Crash_Log.txt
  9. Hi guys, Still having some trouble getting the plane to load. X-plane crashes everytime, whether I start with the engines running or cold and dark. I installed the x-plane demo, made sure the plugin folders looked right and still having problems. I've attached my crash log as well as my x-plane log to see if anyone can help me out. Thanks. crash_log.txt Log.txt
  10. Don't know if this will help anyone, but x-plane was crashing for me every time I tried loading the plane. Then I realized I had forgotten to uninstall the hardware tester. that did the trick
  11. Trying to fly the tutorial flight. Starting cold and dark. Going through checklist. Master battery switch won't move. Any suggestions? Could I assign a hot button to it?
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