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About Brendan154

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Roger that. Thanks for a straight up response.
  2. Fair play. Here is an A model with fuel gauges in LBS. https://www.airliners.net/photo/Sky-Bahamas/Saab-340A/1464507/L
  3. Yup - 26,000 LBS loaded. All within limits. Yes. Most of them in the US were in pounds. Within the first minute you can get a good view the gauges but they are in pounds.
  4. Hello, Thank you for continuing to support the Saab in 2021 with v1.6. Two things I have noticed right out of the gate: 1. The captains altimeter pointer does not animate. It stays in the 12 oclock position. 2. CG loading re: pitch trim. In order to get the thing to fly in a trimmed state, I've got the trim towards the maximum nose up range. Certainly outside of the green band. I've got experimental flight model turned on (tried with both ON and OFF though). Just setting the payload through the XP11 Weight & Balance menu. The result is on takeoff a very heavy nose and a difficult rotation. And then I've two minor thoughts, one of which I think was covered in the release thread. My assigned dataref for brakes (Hold Brakes Regular) is broken and does not actuate the brakes. And is there a way to get the panel to display pounds for the units of the fuel flow and fuel gauge? Cheers Brendan
  5. Hello everyone! Goran pointed my towards this thread so here are a few words regarding this topic. Lets get one thing out there, none of us are avid X-Plane users. No lies or false ideas, we don't know X-Plane as well as we know MSFS. It is that simple. Eric and I have been doing Flight Sim since the late 90's (FS98 was a staple of my childhood, probably the only 7 year old that knew how to program an INS), Nick and Chris have been in the FS series for close to as long, if not longer. This basically means that MSFS is the primary simulator for all of us. X-Plane isn't. I understand that X-Plane is the primary simulator for a lot of readers of this forum. All that has a few effects, first off we aren't as linked into the X-Plane community as we are into FS. Not every little piece of X-Plane news gets on the show, in fact I get most of my X-Plane related news from Goran. Plus my random musings through forums like this one (which I look at a lot more than I bet you suspect). Second, we aren't as technically adept to X-Plane as you all are. So yes, we aren't going to get everything right. But on the strength of one segment, I think its a little unfair to assume that none of us have tried X-Plane before. Lets not forget, we've been doing this for the better part of 4 years now. When we started this, X-Plane was no where nearly as big as it is now. I guess you could say that we've fallen into the niche that we talk too much about MSFS, but I don't think so. Truth is, MSFS has a larger user base and most all of our listeners use either FS9 or FSX. We do have to cater to our audience. However, we do our very best to not neglect X-Plane. If you've been listening to what I say on the shows I always give credit and attention where its due. When something big happens for X-Plane, we talk about it. Same for MSFS. I have also frequently recognized X-Plane as a completely serious competitor to MSFS. We frequently interview folks from the X-Plane community - for example we had Austin Meyers on the show a year or two back. To respond to the request for having a full time X-Plane expert host, that isn't going to happen. I would, however, be totally fine with having an X-Plane consultant that we would bring on from time to time to discuss X-Plane. Goran has asked me a few times to talk about certain X-Plane addons, I may consult Eric and perhaps invite Goran to join us on occasion - no promises though. His technical knowledge of X-Plane is impressive, for sure. In the end, I'm very sad that you all think that X-Plane is neglected on the show. I think that we speak about it with a good amount of frequency. It is kind of unnecessary to go through and pretend to act surprised when we do speak about it. You aren't being forced to listen to the show so if you find it necessary to take our lack of X-Plane expertise as a personal attack, I recommend you don't listen to the show. I would hope that this statement isn't the truth because X-Plane is growing and will become a more popular sim once more addons like the CRJ come out, not to mention the impending release of X-Plane 10. All the best, Brendan Farmer www.fsbreak.net
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