Hello, I have just bought the CRJ-200 and I haven't could test it because it crash as soon as is started. I was testing your program test in order to verify if my computer was valid. All worked ok and I obtained good fps: around 43 in external views and 35 in 3D cokpit. However once the CRJ was installed I charged the plane and few seconds later the program crashed. Here is the content of the crash_log file: Unhandled exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (C0000005) Flags=0, Address = 0x00438007 0) GET_sim_aircraft_parts_acf_gear_deploy(void *, float *, int, int) + 103 (XPDataRefs_expressions.h:263) (X-Plane.exe + 229383) 1) 0x0840302e (XPLM.dll + 12334) 2) 0x77b79ed2 (ntdll.dll + 237266) 3) 0x77b79ea5 (ntdll.dll + 237221) My computer is a Q6600 quad core 2.4ghz, 4 Gb RAM and HD 5770 ATI 1Gb. -Operating System: Windows 7 ultimate 64 bits -X-Plane version: 9.69 -installed 3rd-party plugins: REX for Xplane Thank you