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Everything posted by Antares_16

  1. Thanks for clearing that up!
  2. Hi, right now there's no step climbs in the FMC, so I've been using VS selecting a 500FPM climb. I've got a few observations/questions on step climb logic/procedure. The CRZ CLB / CRZ DES modes are backwards. E.g. FL330 select VS 500FPM to FL350 the CRZ page shows CRZ DES not CRZ CLB. When reaching FL350 the CRZ and LEGS pages still show FL330 prompting me to manually key in the new FL. Will improvements to step climb logic be part of the VNAV rewrite? Thanks.
  3. Oh, I do have an AMD graphics card and I'm using Vulkan.
  4. Hi, Jan The lower screenshot you've posted shows the issue. The parking brake is disengaged(bulb off) but I can still see the red glow on the grey texture around the bulb. Maybe this is not a bug? My monitor is set to SRGB and my X-Plane is 11.50R1 vanilla. I don't rememeber seing this before v1.30, though.
  5. The parking brake bulb glow is still shown when the parking brake is disengaged during night ops. Antares.
  6. Sorry to bug you again, but I just remembered a few more issues. The R-CLB limit doesn't switch back to CLB. I'll select CLB-1/2 and when reaching the washout altitude (15000ft) I believe it should change to CLB. Same goes for R-TO which is still shown on landing when using reverse thurst... I think the three dashes ( - - - ) should be shown? They are displayed on the steam gauge thrust mode panel when using the test lights function.. Maybe something to add in the future. Thanks for the replies.
  7. Just wondering if the timing of the thrust limit change is correct or not. The change from TO to CLB power (the limit not actual thrust) occurs at 400ft AGL not at the thrust reduction altitude when the engine thrust is actually reduced. I'm I just wrong here? Thanks.
  8. The overhead flaps panel lights are inop when using the test button.
  9. Hello, Dev The steam gauges are missing a lot of cockpit shading when being used =( G'day
  10. Hi, I'm having an issue getting certain navaids to display on the ND. VOR-DME are depicted but not DME or VOR. selecting SY(Sydney) in the fix page shows SY as a DME in the database and draws a green circle on the ND. In one of Jan's IXEG videos on Youtube, the ND shows ALF DME (Alster) but I'm not able to display that on my ND. Navigraph 1801. X-Plane 11.11. IXEG v1.21. Help =)
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