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About 7S5

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. Whoa! Six months!? Where did you hear that?
  2. Wow! Clouds go all the way to the horizon now, too! Outstanding!
  3. How would I turn off the external lights in the default X-Plane 10 C172, like the landing light or strobes, so they are always off when I start X-Plane and I select this aircraft? I assume I have to do this in Planemaker somehow, but I haven't found any documentation that addresses this specifically. Thanks!
  4. Wow - always enjoy your screenshots, Jim. Is this more G2XPL images?
  5. Hey Chris - nice to see your efforts with the high res textures. Quick question: Are you using MeshTool with custom elevation data and producing a whole new DSF, or are these just overlays on the existing default scenery? Good luck with the super high-res images.
  6. Excellent news! I'm sure this will be worth the long wait. Looks like you have done a lot of refinements.
  7. I think you might have a couple of options here. 1. You can edit your airport in WED and add new ramp start locations. A WED tutorial can be found here. There are also probably some on the ORG, too. 2. You might try taxiing to the location where you want to start and save your current X-Plane situation. The situation saves everything, including your plane, and the status of the plane's systems, so if you wanted a cold and dark start with a Cessna 172, you could save this situation. The same location with engines running would be a different situation. This would probably be a lot easier than editing the airport if you haven't done that before. Good luck.
  8. Just saw these pics on the ORG. Go X-Aviation! http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?showtopic=46384&pid=516675&st=10&#entry516675 You can listen to Oshkosh ATC here: http://www.liveatc.net/search/?icao=kosh Over 300 people listening to the north tower last I looked. Very interesting to hear how the controllers work with this high volume of aircraft.
  9. OK, I think I've got this figured out. I went into my Windows Color and Appearance settings and changed the configuration to Windows Vista Basic. From the outside of the plane, looking forward, I now get 88 fps! It didn't drop below 40fps in other views. It looks like my previous Windows settings were using too many video resources. Vista Basic still looks good but doesn't have all the shadowing around the windows, etc. which was hogging a lot of resources that could go into driving X-Plane. Thanks for looking into this! At any rate, I have the new drivers for my video card now, which I wouldn't have done if this didn't happen. Things work out for a reason. ;D Hopefully this will help some others. - It may not be your video card, it may be your Vista settings!
  10. Yes, the drivers were the first thing I did after other failed attempts to get the framerate up. I uninstalled them and then downloaded new ones from NVIDIA, which were actually newer than what was installed. Through playing with both the video card settings and X-Plane settings I'm up to about 35 - 45fps, which is much better, and this is at any resolution, including extreme res. I was just hoping with a new high-end PC, I'd have better luck - maybe it's a Vista issue? Just a thought - I have X-Plane installed on an external USB drive. It's a half-terrabyte drive in size. Would that make any sort of significant difference compared to having it on the internal C drive? I haven't tried any other versions of X-Plane either. I'm currently running 9.2 final. Should most of the video card setting be set to Application Controlled? Should some, like vertical sync, be turned off? On previous PC this made a HUGE difference, but I'm not really seeing much difference with this new machine? I really appreciate your help.
  11. Hi, I have a new HP running Vista 64-bit, 4GB RAM. Video card is NVIDIA GeForce 9300 GE, 250MB VRAM. Even with NO scenery, just water showing and the texture resolution set to "Minimal" in the rendering settings menu, I still only get 19 - 23 fps! I can increase my resolution to Extreme Res, and I still get 19-23 fps! My visibility is set to 10 miles, no clouds, no 3D objects. It's as minimal as I can get. Since I'm getting the same framerate regardless of my X-Plane settings, It has to be a video card setting, but I've tried all sorts of things with that too with no luck. I've run X-Plane on other machines with frame rates over 100fps so I know it's something with my system. My vertical-sync is turned off in my video card setting, which has really helped in the past, but it isn't doing anything now. I know Vista is a hog, but I should be able to get better that this, shouldn't I? I've searched online, but haven't really found any good solutions beyond what I've already tried. Thanks for any help you can provide!
  12. Hi, Long time X-Plane user, new to creating movies... Are there movie quality settings in X-Plane or just the movie resolution? Also, what software are people using to import their Quicktime movies from X-Plane to do their video editing? I have both a Mac and PC, so either platform is fine for me. I have created some but the image sharpness doesn't appear to be as good as many of the videos from others that I've seen. Any suggestions for settings to use when exporting your final movie would be appreciated. Great forum, by the way! Thanks for your help!
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